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Industry Updates

This broad category includes articles concerning health insurance costs, carrier and health plan news, changing benefits technology, and surveys by the Kaiser Family Foundation and others on employee benefits.

Nevada Ranks as One of Top Cost State for Retiree Health

A new app developed by HealthView Services shows Michigan, Florida, Nevada and Maryland as the most expensive states for key components of retirement health care costs.

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Health Law’s Nonprofit Insurance Co-ops Awash in Red Ink

Fed up with the insurance industry, Democrats used the health care overhaul to create nonprofit co-ops that would compete with the corporations.

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Obama Administration Urges States to Cut Health Insurers’ Requests for Big Rate Increases

Hoping to avoid another political uproar over the Affordable Care Act, the Obama administration is trying to persuade states to cut back big rate increases requested by many health insurance companies for 2016.

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California Could Spend Billions on Hep C Drugs for 10% of Residents

If 10% of Californians who have hepatitis C are treated with newer, more effective yet costly specialty drugs, projected costs over the next 12 months would be $4.77 billion, with $2.05 billion of that spent on the state-funded population.

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Two-Thirds of State’s Uninsured Before Health Law Are Now Covered

Two-thirds of Californians who were uninsured before the Affordable Care Act went into effect now have health coverage, according to a study released Thursday.

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Covered California, Medi-Cal Renewal Rates High

The majority of Medi-Cal beneficiaries and Covered California enrollees who were eligible to renew their coverage last year opted to do so, according a recent report, HealthyCal reports.

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Competition Improves Obamacare Choices In Rural Northern California

People who live in rural Northern California will see more choice and competition in the health insurance marketplace next year, giving consumers a better chance of finding a plan - and a doctor - that can meet their needs.

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Legislator Vows to Seek More Healthcare Coverage for Immigrants

Healthcare advocates in California this year successfully pushed for medical coverage for kids who are in the country illegally. But they say they're not satisfied.

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Covered California To Add Two Insurers to Individual Marketplace

UnitedHealth had the opportunity to join Covered California in 2013 as the Affordable Care Act was rolled out. However, the insurer left the state's individual health insurance market and decided not to participate in most of the ACA exchanges across the country.

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Lawmakers Voice Concerns Over Covered California Data Mining Plan

On Monday, four U.S. lawmakers from California sent a letter to Covered California Executive Director Peter Lee raising privacy concerns about the exchange's plan to analyze enrollee data, Politico's "Morning eHealth" reports.

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