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Industry Updates

This broad category includes articles concerning health insurance costs, carrier and health plan news, changing benefits technology, and surveys by the Kaiser Family Foundation and others on employee benefits.

Amid Slower Growth, California’s Obamacare Exchange Cuts Proposed Spending

After using most of $1 billion in federal start-up money, California's Obamacare exchange is preparing to go on a diet.

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1 in 4 Adults Had Insurance But Still Couldn’t Afford Medical Care

More than 1 in 4 adults who bought insurance for themselves or their families last year had to skip needed medical care because they couldn't afford it, according to a study released Thursday by Families USA, a consumer health group.

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Coalitions Form To Get Slice of Budget

Two coalitions of health care providers, advocates and medical groups announced their formation in the past week and said they would try to ramp up pressure for a couple of key budget issues as the state budget talks intensify.

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Why Millions Still Shun the Exchanges to Buy Individual Health Plans

Kelly Fristoe operates his financial planning company in Wichita Falls, Texas, an oil-producing town about 140 miles northwest of Dallas, near the Oklahoma border.

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Illegal Immigrants Would Get Medi-Cal Under California Bill

The backbreaking work in California's chili pepper fields and cherry orchards wasn't so noticeable when farmworker Antolin Gonzalez was young.

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Senators Demand Better Oversight of State ObamaCare Spending

Two Republican committee chairmen are pressing the Obama administration to improve its oversight of how state-run ObamaCare marketplaces use federal dollars, citing an inspector general report on potential violations of law.

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California’s Individual Health Insurance Market Grows 64% to 2.2 Million

The number of Californians buying individual health insurance soared 64% to nearly 2.2 million as Obamacare took full effect last year, a new report shows.

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Insurance Brokers in Calif., Other States Struggling Under ACA

Insurance brokers in California and other states have struggled financially since the passage of the Affordable Care Act, KPCC'S "KPCC News" reports.

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Healthcare for those in U.S. Illegally Could Cost California $740 Million a Year

Extending state-subsidized healthcare coverage to people in the country illegally could cost California as much as $740 million annually, according to a Senate fiscal analysis released Monday.

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How Has the Individual Insurance Market Grown Under the Affordable Care Act?

The individual (or “non-group”) insurance market has changed substantially under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

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