Month: September 2017
The San Francisco-based firm’s existing book of 7,000 accounts will be transferred to OneDigital, an Atlanta-based brokerage, as Zenefits undergoes a transformation “to embracing the broker community and partnering with them in a pretty significant way,” Zenefits Chairman and CEO Jay Fulcher says.
Senate Republicans decided Tuesday not to hold a vote on unwinding the Affordable Care Act, preserving the landmark 2010 law for the foreseeable future even as they suggested they may withhold crucial funding for it.
Late in the day on September 25, 2017, the Congressional Budget Office and Joint Committee on Taxation staff released their report on the Graham-Cassidy bill. Their analysis was apparently of an earlier version of the bill than the one released on September 24, 2017, but the provisions described and analyzed in the CBO report are virtually the same.
Californians who get their health coverage on the individual market could face dire consequences under the current Republican effort to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, warned a new analysis released Monday by Covered California, the state's health insurance exchange.
It’s completely rational for you to use coupons to reduce the cost of your brand-name drug purchase.
Health system executives' and physicians' trust in health insurers has sunk to an all-time low, a new survey shows.
Sen. Bernie Sanders pilloried Republican efforts to overhaul the health care system and touted his own Medicare for all plan Friday before an effusive California audience that welcomed him on stage with chants of "Run, Bernie, Run!"
The Trump administration will make key ObamaCare payments to insurers in September, though a final decision hasn’t been made about future payments, a White House spokesman said Tuesday.
Republican efforts in Congress to “repeal and replace” the federal Affordable Care Act are back from the dead. Again.
Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval has joined with nine other governors in asking the U.S. Senate leadership to reject the latest proposal to replace the Affordable Care Act.