Month: July 2016
The November elections surely won't end the nonstop, eight-year political war over the shape of the U.S. healthcare system. But the ballot results likely will determine whether the changes driven by the Affordable Care Act continue in the same direction or the system returns to its less-regulated, pre-ACA contours.
Software startup Zenefits must pay the state of Tennessee $62,500 for violating insurance requirements, state officials said on Monday, marking the first settlement with regulators as the scandal-hit company seeks to redeem itself after revelations it had flouted the law.
California joined U.S. Justice Department antitrust lawsuits filed Thursday in an effort to block the merger of two major health insurers — Anthem Inc.’s bid to buy Cigna Corp.
Two of the nation’s largest insurers are reaching out to doctors as they prepare to offer health coverage to low-income residents in California’s Medicaid program.
Interest groups are starting to send a new wave of emails about how the Affordable Care Act exchange system is pretty much dead for 2017, or about how wonderful and affordable it is this year and how surely it won't be dead next year.
Democrats drove another nail into the coffin of the unpopular "Cadillac" tax on expensive health plans created under Obamacare.
Increased market penetration has been a significant driver of Medicare Advantage plan membership over the last three years, according to a new brief from Mark Farrah Associates. This has been especially true in five states where MA penetration growth exceeded the national rate.
In retrospect, it seems odd that so many business analysts expected the U.S. Department of Justice to approve the proposed mergers of four enormous health insurers.
It was hard to make money selling Obamacare health insurance in the first year. Next year might not be much easier.
The big rate increases announced last week for health insurance policies sold by California’s version of the federal health reform are the latest evidence that the Affordable Care Act, despite its name, cannot do much to tame the rise of health care costs.