As the California Legislature began its new session on Monday, first-time and returning lawmakers introduced a number of health-related bills, the Sacramento Bee's "Capitol Alert" reports (Rosenhall/White, "Capitol Alert," Sacramento Bee, 12/1).
Exactly what would happen to the Affordable Care Act if the Supreme Court invalidates tax credits in the three dozen states where the federal government runs the program?
A surge in health insurer competition appears to be helping restrain premium increases in hundreds of counties next year, with prices dropping in many places where newcomers are offering the least expensive plans, according to a Kaiser Health News analysis of federal premium records.
The costs per patient for hospital-owned physician groups are higher than in groups owned by physicians themselves, according to a new UC-Berkeley study.
In mounting the latest court challenge to the Affordable Care Act, House Republicans are focusing on a little-noticed provision of the law that offers financial assistance to low- and moderate-income people.
A year after the Obama administration temporarily shelved an unfinished part of intended for small businesses, it has opened with reports of only modest technical flaws — but with doubts that it will soon benefit the millions of workers at little companies with inadequate health insurance or none at all.