As the California Legislature began its new session on Monday, first-time and returning lawmakers introduced a number of health-related bills, the Sacramento Bee’s “Capitol Alert” reports (Rosenhall/White, “Capitol Alert,” Sacramento Bee, 12/1).
Ten new state senators and 27 new Assembly members were sworn in on Monday (Mason/McGreevy, Los Angeles Times, 12/1).
Details of Bills
California lawmakers announced several bills, including many being reintroduced from last year.
For example, state Sen. Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens) introduced two measures:
- SB 4, which would expand Medi-Cal — California’s Medicaid program — and subsidized coverage to undocumented immigrants; and
- SB 10, which would create an Office of New Americans to assist undocumented immigrants (McGreevy, “PolitiCal,” Los Angeles Times, 12/1).
Other health-related bills also were brought to the table:
- Assembly member Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego) introduced a bill (AB 11) that would expand previous legislation to give three days of paid sick leave to home health care workers who provide care to elderly or disabled residents (Los Angeles Times, 12/1).;
- Several Central Valley lawmakers introduced a bill (AB 54) that would permit businesses to remain open as they work to correct violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act;
- State Sen. Jerry Hill (D-San Mateo) introduced a bill (SB 27) that would limit the amount of antibiotics used on livestock, which can contribute to antibiotic-resistant diseases among humans; and
- Hill also introduced a measure (SB 24) that would extend youth-targeted tobacco laws to electronic cigarettes (“Capitol Alert,” Sacramento Bee, 12/1).