After drug pricing concerns weighed on Gilead Sciences' stock toward the end of December, the drugmaker has kicked off 2015 the same way it did the previous two years: by increasing prices on several products.
President Obama's executive action on immigration, announced last month, could potentially come with a much sweeter - and healthier - deal for undocumented immigrants in California than in the rest of the country.
Many businesses in low-wage industries have hired more part-time workers and cut the hours of full-timers recently to soften the impact of new health law requirements that take effect Thursday, some consultants say.
Almost 145,000 Blue Shield of California members who get their health benefits through work will be affected by a contract break with Sacramento-based Sutter Health - if it holds.
Remember those end-of-the world predictions from Nostradamus, the ancient Mayans and Pat Robertson that we somehow survived? The "employer mandate" may be Obamacare's version of that.
The state Senate and Assembly reconvene on Monday in Sacramento. Both houses have new leadership and the makeup of both health committees also has changed.