Consumers Will Owe Uncle Sam If They Got Health Insurance Subsidies Mistakenly

Consumers getting government subsidies for health insurance who are later found ineligible for those payments will owe the government, but not necessarily the full amount, according to the Treasury Department.

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Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones: The man who would be king

Health-care premiums in California have risen more than five times the rate of inflation over the last decade. Annual rate hikes for most employers have hit double digits.

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Will ObamaCare mean the end of employer-provided insurance?

President Obama's famous promise that "you can keep your plan and your doctor, no matter what" was not the only misleading argument he made for his health care plan.

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Bidder hoping to buy Bay Area hospitals sues unions, alleging extortion

In a surprising move, an anti-union Southern California hospital chain hoping to buy the struggling Daughters of Charity Health Care System is suing employee unions under the federal RICO Act..

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ER Visits Jump Under ACA

Hospitals across Orange County, and nationwide, are reporting sharp to moderate increases in ER visits. And many of them attribute it to the millions of people who are newly insured on account of the health reform law.

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Viewpoints: Be warned: Costs for Californians under Obamacare about to spike

Obamacare had a "Mission Accomplished" moment earlier this month. The California Department of Insurance announced that health care plans on Covered California would see premiums increase by 4.2 percent for 2015.

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