How Insurers Are Finding Ways to Shift Costs to the Sick

Health insurance companies are no longer allowed to turn away patients because of their pre-existing conditions or charge them more because of those conditions.

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California Health Exchange Stays Neutral on Proposition 45

After months of intense discussions, California's health insurance exchange on Thursday remained on the sidelines of a Nov. 4 ballot initiative that would allow the state's elected insurance commissioner to regulate rates.

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Health Care Act Still Covers 7.3 Million

The Obama administration said Thursday that 7.3 million people who bought private health insurance under the Affordable Care Act had paid their premiums and were still enrolled.

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Hospitals and Insurer Join Forces in California

In a partnership that appears to be the first of its kind, Anthem Blue Cross, a large California health insurance company, is teaming up with seven fiercely competitive hospital groups to create a new health system in the Los Angeles area.

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In Heated Midterm Contests, GOP Candidates Explore a Move to the Middle

In a midterm election year in which the political climate and map of battleground states clearly favors Republicans, many GOP candidates are nevertheless embracing some Democratic priorities in an effort to win over skeptical voters.

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Millions Have Joined Medicaid Under Obamacare. Here’s What They Think of It.

The Medicaid program, already the nation's largest insurer, has quickly added millions to its rolls since the start of Obamacare's coverage expansion.

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