New Opens Early to Allow for Review of Plans

The Obama administration said Sunday that consumers could shop for health insurance and compare their options on starting Monday, even before the open enrollment period formally begins five days later.

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Supreme Court Will Hear Newest Challenge to Affordable Care Act

The Supreme Court announced Friday that it will hear the most serious challenge to the Affordable Care Act since the justices found it constitutional more than two years ago: a lawsuit targeting the federal subsidies that help millions of Americans buy health insurance.

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Covered California Predicts Obamacare Exchange Will Enroll 1.7 Million in Second Year

Covered California, the Obamacare exchange that led the nation during its first year with about 1.2 million enrollees, predicts the tally will jump to 1.7 million in year two - a 500,000 increase, more than many states netted in total last time around.

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Many Latinos Shun Obamacare for Fear of Getting Relatives Deported

Lilian Saldana turned down Obamacare coverage once, and she might do it again.

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Voter Registration Training: New Covered California Agent Requirement

Under federal and state law, Certified Insurance Agents (CIAs) are required to offer Covered California consumers assistance with registering to vote.

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Republicans to Chip at Obamacare by Redefining Work Hours

Newly empowered Republicans say they can't repeal Obamacare and plan to chip away at the law piece by piece, starting with redefining full-time work in a way that could affect health coverage for 1 million people.

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