Three Major Systems Join San Diego Health Connect, Giving HIE Big Boost

With the addition of San Diego’s three largest health systems, more than one million patients soon will have the opportunity to participate in the region’s health information exchange, San Diego Health Connect. The community-wide HIE allows patient medical records to be shared among the region’s competing health care providers, large and small. Scripps Health, Sharp ...

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Covered California Website Fail Its Disabled Residents

California businesses have for years complained about lawsuits related to the Americans with Disabilities Act, where plaintiffs visit their stores or restaurants and then demand financial damages after finding oftentimes technical violations of the accessibility rules. At one point last year, 20-some businesses in thedowntown area of one northern California city were hit with such ...

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If Supreme Court Rules Against Obamacare, Few States Are Ready For The Fallout

Millions of Americans could soon lose health insurance when the Supreme Court decides the latest challenge to the Affordable Care Act this month, but states have made few concrete plans to deal with the potential fallout, and they may get little help from Washington, President Obama warned Monday. “If somebody does something that doesn’t make ...

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Obama Is Optimistic Justices Will Let Health Care Law Stand

WASHINGTON — A decision by the Supreme Court to strike down health care subsidies in federally run marketplaces would be a “contorted reading” of the Affordable Care Act that would disrupt coverage for millions of people, President Obama said on Monday. But at a news conference at the end of a two-day trip to Germany, ...

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California Legislative Update – Big Day for Health Care Bill Passage

Floor sessions on Tuesday in the state Senate and Assembly were fast-paced affairs. The deadline to pass bills out of their house of origin is June 5 so the legislation queue on Tuesday was pretty long and resulted in a rapid-fire pace. The Senate passed a high-profile measure to expand coverage to some undocumented immigrants. A ...

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New Analysis Details Impact on Residents in Different States If the U.S. Supreme Court Rules for Challengers in King v....

The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to rule this month in the King v. Burwell case that challenges whether low- and moderate-income Americans are eligible for subsidies to help pay for insurance if they live in states where the federal government, rather than the state, established its new insurance marketplace under the Affordable Care Act ...

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