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Lifestyle & Health

Featured news in this section is focused on health and wellness. It includes articles of interest to brokers who want to stay healthy as well as employer programs to help employees stay healthy, state health rankings, fitness trends, etc.

How Much Movement Do You Need?

Some people exercise by spending an hour in the pool every day, while others might take just 15 minutes for a HIIT workout a couple of times a week, making it hard to know how much exercise is right for you. Knowing exactly how much exercise a person needs is a complex problem and involves a number ...

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Over 40? Just 20 Minutes of Daily Exercise Can Keep You Out of the Hospital

If you’re over 40, regular exercise may not only keep you fit — it might keep you out of the hospital, too, a large new study suggests. Researchers found that among nearly 82,000 British adults, those who regularly exercised were less likely to be hospitalized for various health conditions in the coming years. The list ...

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Immunity Acquired From A COVID Infection Is As Protective As Vaccination Against Severe Illness And Death, Study Finds

Immunity acquired from a Covid infection provides strong, lasting protection against the most severe outcomes of the illness, according to research published Thursday in The Lancet — protection, experts say, that’s on par with what’s provided through two doses of an mRNA vaccine. Infection-acquired immunity cut the risk of hospitalization and death from a Covid reinfection by 88% for at ...

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ChatGPT-Assisted Diagnosis: Is The Future Suddenly Here?

The notion that people will regularly use computers to diagnose their own illnesses has been discussed for decades. Of course, millions of people try to do that today, consulting Dr. Google, though often with little success. Given the low quality of many online health sources, such searches may even be harmful. Some governments have even launched “Don’t ...

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Is Chocolate Good For Your Heart? Finally The FDA Has An Answer – Kind Of

There’s plenty of mystique tied to chocolate. Over the centuries, cocoa has been touted as an aphrodisiac and a health elixir. The Mayans even used cocoa as a form of cash and buried their aristocrats with it. It appears they believed that “it helped people get into the afterlife and survive in the afterlife,” says Nat Bletter, an ethnobotanist and chocolate-maker. ...

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Restrict Calories To Live Longer, Study Says, But Critics Say More Proof Is Needed

People of normal weight may be able to extend their life span by restricting calories, according to a new study that attempted to measure the pace of aging in people asked to cut their calorie intake by 25% over two years. “We’ve known for nearly 100 years that calorie restriction can extend healthy life span ...

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Heart Attack Warning Signs In Women Can Be Subtle

When Dr. Sandra Nichols had a massive heart attack, she didn’t tell anyone outside her immediate family. At the time, she was working too much, not sleeping enough and says she felt the burden of being everything to everyone. “I was embarrassed,” she said. Despite her medical training, she didn’t realize symptoms of congestion and ...

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High Sugar Intake Linked To Elevated Risk Of Heart Disease And Stroke, Study Finds

A study released Monday offers even more evidence of the harmful health effects of sugar. The research, published in the journal BMC Medicine, found that diets higher in free sugars — a category that includes sugar added to processed foods and sodas, as well as that found in fruit juice and syrups — raise one’s risk of ...

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Will Your Smartphone Be the Next Doctor’s Office?

The same devices used to take selfies and type out tweets are being repurposed and commercialized for quick access to information needed for monitoring a patient’s health. A fingertip pressed against a phone’s camera lens can measure a heart rate. The microphone, kept by the bedside, can screen for sleep apnea. Even the speaker is ...

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