Valley Fever Cases Climb In California’s Central Valley — And Beyond

Valley fever cases are on the rise in California and across the arid Southwest, and scientists point to climate change and population shifts as possible reasons.

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What Would Happen If The ACA Went Away?

Any day now, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans could rule the entire Affordable Care Act unconstitutional. At least it seemed that two of the three appeals court judges were leaning that way during oral arguments in the case, State of Texas v. USA, in July.

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Analysis: In Medical Billing, Fraudulent Charges Weirdly Pass As Legal

Much of what we accept as legal in medical billing would be regarded as fraud in any other sector. I have been circling around this conclusion for the past five years, as I’ve listened to patients’ stories while covering health care as a journalist and author.

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How Trump and the Democrats Parted Ways on Lowering Drug Prices

It was supposed to be one place President Donald Trump and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi could strike a deal. But Pelosi and House Democrats are going it alone on drug pricing, pushing through sweeping legislation this week to bring down the cost of medicines.

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The I.R.S. Sent a Letter to 3.9 Million People. It Saved Some of Their Lives.

Three years ago, 3.9 million Americans received a plain-looking envelope from the Internal Revenue Service. Inside was a letter stating that they had recently paid a fine for not carrying health insurance and suggesting possible ways to enroll in coverage.

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Breakthrough Made On Surprise Billing Legislation

If it pays off, this could be the biggest breakthrough of the year, vis-à-vis medical bills: movers and shakers in both the House and Senate have reached agreement on legislation to tackle surprise medical bills.

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Obamacare Back at the High Court – With Billions for Insurers on the Line

More than $12 billion is at stake for the nation’s health insurers Tuesday when the Supreme Court hears another Affordable Care Act case.

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Pelosi Drug Pricing Plan Would Save $456 Billion Over Ten Years: Analysis

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's bill that would let Medicare negotiate prices with drug companies would save the government $456 billion over ten years, according to an analysis released Tuesday.

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Health Insurance Tax Helped Drive Health Spending in 2018

Health care spending grew last year but shrunk as a portion of overall spending. A new analysis published in Health Affairs by Micah Hartman, a statistician in the CMS Office of the Actuary, finds that national health care spending increased by 4.6 percent in 2018 to $3.6 trillion, or 17.7 percent of the overall economy. That’s down from 17.9 percent the previous year.

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Californians Aren’t Getting the Mental Health Care They’re Legally Guaranteed. Why Not?

State Sen. Jim Beall is angry. Four times now, he has introduced legislation to better enforce state and federal “parity” laws, which require equal treatment of mental and physical health problems. Four times, that legislation has failed. As he enters his final year in the Legislature, the San Jose Democrat plans what he calls a “full-frontal assault”. “I’m going to put even more effort into next year,” Beall said, “because I’m madder than hell about it.” California’s parity mandate was signed into law in 1999, and a federal parity law followed in 2008. But the state has struggled to ensure those laws work‚ which helps explain why parity feels like an empty promise to so many Californians. More than half...

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