27 Million Americans May Lose Health Insurance Coverage: Report

Soaring unemployment numbers could translate into nearly 27 million people losing their health insurance, according to a new report.

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IRS Allows Mid-Year Redos For Health And Dependent Care FSAs

Yippee! The Internal Revenue Service has come up with a partial fix to the mess of so-called “flexible” spending arrangements that let workers stash pre-tax money into special accounts for healthcare and child care. The rules surrounding FSAs are anything but flexible.

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California Coronavirus Deaths Hit Stubborn Plateau; Experts Fearful About Future

Although some hope the worst of California’s coronavirus crisis has passed, there are signs the pandemic in the Golden State has merely stabilized, and the worst may be yet to come.

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Hospital Layoffs Rising in California as Few Elective Procedures Are Performed

When Aimee Paulson, a nurse practitioner, learned in late March she was being temporarily laid off from the private family practice she’d worked at for the last three years, she was disappointed but not surprised. Patient visits in the San Ramon office had gone down by almost 80% as the coronavirus outbreak kept people at home.

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California Governor Announces Workers’ Comp Presumption for COVID-19

California Gov. Gavin Newsom today announced that workers who contract COVID-19 while on the job may be eligible to receive workers’ compensation.

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California’s Coronavirus Outlook Worse Than Researchers Expected, As Cases And Deaths Rise

While California has avoided the grim death toll of coronavirus hot spots like New York, there are growing concerns that the state’s most populous regions have not yet seen the rapid decline in deaths and cases needed to significantly reopen the economy.

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Hospitals At Center Of Fight Over Liability Protections In Coronavirus Relief Bill

Hospitals are warning they will be slow to restart elective procedures like knee surgeries and colonoscopies without assurances from Congress they won’t get sued by patients and their own workers if they are infected by the coronavirus during those visits.

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California Dental Association Seeks COVID-19 Testing for All Dental Patients

The CDA has asked its members to call on lawmakers and the governor's office for essential personal protective equipment, financial relief, and rapid COVID-19 testing when the technology becomes available.

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Ensuring Premium Revenue Accuracy During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an unprecedented impact across the globe, costing lives, disrupting business and education and creating significant financial losses.

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Newsom Joins 4 Governors In Seeking $1 Trillion In Federal Relief For All States

California Gov. Gavin Newsom and his counterparts in four Western states on Monday asked Congress for $1 trillion in COVID-19 pandemic relief for all states and local governments.

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