Health Plan Broker & Consultant Service Provider Fee Disclosure

Editors Note: “This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal or financial advice. You should consult an appropriate professional prior to acting on any such information.” The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, Public Law 116-260 (“CAA”), signed into law by President Trump on December 27, 2020, imposes new compensation disclosure requirements upon brokers ...

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Biden, Yellen Say GOP Virus Aid Too Small, Democrats Push On

President Joe Biden panned a Republican alternative to his $1.9 trillion COVID rescue plan as insufficient Tuesday as Senate Democrats pushed ahead, voting to launch a process that could approve his sweeping rescue package on their own, if Republicans refuse to support it. Biden and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen joined the Democratic senators for a private virtual ...

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CMS Pauses Three Trump-Era Proposed Rules

CMS on Tuesday paused three proposed rules developed under the Trump administration. The proposed rules would affect in-center dialysis coverage requirements for third-party payment programs, enable seniors to keep their Social Security retirement benefits if they opt out of Medicare Part A coverage and increase oversight of accrediting organizations. The White House budget office had ...

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California Governor and Unions Clash Over School Openings

An effort to reopen California schools is foundering, stoking frustrations across America’s most populous state from parents eager to get their children back in classrooms and a governor who wants them there. Parents and behavioral experts say many schoolchildren are feeling helpless or depressed and need a classroom setting to improve their mental health. An ...

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A Fast, At-Home Coronavirus Test Will Be Available To Americans This Year

The White House announced Monday it is buying 8.5 million rapid coronavirus tests that can be taken at home without a prescription and that yield immediate results. The $231.8 million contract will allow the Australian company Ellume, which manufacturers the tests, to quickly scale up its production and create a manufacturing facility in the United States. Once running, ...

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California Lifts Virus Stay-At-Home Order And Curfew

Gov. Gavin Newsom lifted stay-at-home orders across the state Monday in response to improving coronavirus conditions, a surprising move hailed by beleaguered businesses but that prompted caution from local health officials concerned the public may let down its guard.

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Biden To Reopen ACA Insurance Marketplaces As Pandemic Has Cost Millions Of Americans Their Coverage

President Biden is scheduled to take executive actions as early as Thursday to reopen federal marketplaces selling Affordable Care Act health plans and to lower recent barriers to joining Medicaid.

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‘Coming For You And Your Job’: With Prop. 22, Are Grocery Staff Layoffs Just The Beginning?

When Derrick Neal moved back to the Los Angeles area from Florida last year, after his mother died, he needed to find a job quickly to keep paying his bills.

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Close to 200 Groups Join CalChamber’s Call for COVID-19 Business Relief, Action to Prevent California Employer Exodus

The California Chamber of Commerce and nearly 200 allied business organizations representing all sectors of the economy and employing millions of California workers today sent a letter to Governor Gavin Newsom and the Legislature calling for specific and immediate actions to curb the impact of the current pandemic-related economic crisis as well as address the underlying causes of an ongoing exodus of employers to other states.

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Biden Now Hopes For 1.5 Million Vaccinations A Day, A Big Jump From Earlier Comments

For weeks President Biden has emphasized that his goal for rolling out the coronavirus vaccine was an easy-to-remember 1 million shots a day, or 100 million vaccinations in his first 100 days. On Monday, he suggested a much faster clip, saying he could envision 1.5 million vaccinations per day.

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