Surprise-Billing Law Loophole: When ‘Out of Network’ Doesn’t Quite Mean Out of Network

It was the first day of her family’s vacation in the San Juan Islands last June when Danielle Laskey, who was 26 weeks pregnant, thought she was leaking amniotic fluid. A registered nurse, Laskey called her OB-GYN back home in Seattle, who said to seek immediate care. Staff members at a nearby emergency department found ...

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How Much Movement Do You Need?

Some people exercise by spending an hour in the pool every day, while others might take just 15 minutes for a HIIT workout a couple of times a week, making it hard to know how much exercise is right for you. Knowing exactly how much exercise a person needs is a complex problem and involves a number ...

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Over 40? Just 20 Minutes of Daily Exercise Can Keep You Out of the Hospital

If you’re over 40, regular exercise may not only keep you fit — it might keep you out of the hospital, too, a large new study suggests. Researchers found that among nearly 82,000 British adults, those who regularly exercised were less likely to be hospitalized for various health conditions in the coming years. The list ...

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Single-payer and the long game

 It looks like California’s single-payer dreams will be delayed at least another year. After suffering a devastating blow in the Capitol last winter, advocates had been eager to reintroduce legislation that would create a first-in-the nation, state-run health care system.

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Word & Brown Presents New ACA Links and Ease Integrations

The Tech Team Updates for this month offer more news you can use concerning Ease, the online enrollment platform for health insurance brokers working in the 2-250 employee marketplace.

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Senators Question Why PBMs ‘Even Exist’ In Heated Hearing Amid Push For Reform

Senators pilloried the lack of transparency from pharmacy benefit managers during a hearing Thursday, as lawmakers hope to pass reforms this session.

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Senate Panel Launches Effort To Shore Up Health Workforce And Ease Crippling Shortages

A key Senate panel is launching a major effort to shore up the healthcare workforce after lingering shortages have roiled the industry. The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee held a hearing Thursday on addressing the crisis. Some of the policy solutions include expanding the Graduate Medical Education program and growing teaching health ...

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In California, Democrats Propose $25 Minimum Wage for Health Workers

Union-aligned Democrats were set to introduce legislation Wednesday mandating a statewide $25 minimum wage for health workers and support staffers, likely setting up a pitched battle with hospitals, nursing homes, and dialysis clinics. State Sen. María Elena Durazo’s bill would require health facilities and home health agencies to give raises to many support employees, including ...

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Reported HIPAA Complaints And Breaches Shot Up From 2017 To 2021: HHS

A report released on Friday found that HIPAA complaints and breaches spiked between 2017 and 2021, with the agency in charge of handling the notices saying it lacks sufficient resources to properly respond. The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act requires the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to submit an ...

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Mark Cuban Has Been Taking On the Drug Industry. But Which One?

When billionaire Mark Cuban announced his attack on the pharmaceutical industry and its high-priced drugs in January 2021, it was met with cheers. His new company — the Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Co., known as Cost Plus Drugs — has the “lowest prices on meds anywhere,” he said. The serial entrepreneur and owner of the NBA’s ...

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