Drug Prices Trend Up, and States Want to Know Why

Should drug makers be required to disclose their costs to justify rising prices?

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Medicare-Provider Penalties, Incentives Detailed in Report

Nearly 40% of health-care providers treating Medicare patients will have their payments docked 1.5% this year because they didn’t submit data on patients’ health to the government, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services said.

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Obamacare Took $729 Bite Out of Tax Refunds – H&R Block

The majority of H&R Block clients who received federal help to pay for their health insurance in 2014 got an unwelcome surprise when it came to their refund.

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Thousands May Have Been Shorted On Insurance Subsidies After Calculation Error

Thousands of families with a disabled or deceased parent may have received a lower subsidy than they deserved to buy health coverage through the federal insurance marketplace as a result of a calculation error by the federal government.

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LAO: Surplus Calif. Tax Revenue Could Go To Health Programs

California revenue is on pace to exceed state estimates by about $4 billion, and health and welfare programs could receive some of the extra money, according to a Legislative Analyst's Office report released Friday, the Sacramento Bee's "Capitol Alert" reports.

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ObamaCare Penalty Could be too Low, Analysis Finds

A new analysis highlights that it is often cheaper for people to pay ObamaCare’s penalty for not having health insurance than to buy coverage, meaning the penalty might be too low to spur middle-income people to get covered.

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Compromise GOP Budget Hikes War Funds, Targets ‘Obamacare’

House and Senate GOP negotiators neared agreement Monday on a budget blueprint that would enable Republicans controlling Congress to more easily target President Barack Obama's signature health care law while delivering an almost $40 billion budget boost to the Pentagon.

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Democratic Lawmakers Reject Switching Their Health Coverage to Obamacare

Democratic state lawmakers on Thursday shot down a proposal that would have required all California state legislators to get their health insurance from Covered California, the benefits exchange set up to implement Obamacare in the state.

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Analysis: California Could Be a Model for Latino Enrollment Efforts

California could serve as a model for overcoming barriers to expanding health coverage to uninsured Latino populations, according to an analysis by the Commonwealth Fund, The Hill reports.

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Obama Proposes That Medicare Be Given the Right to Negotiate the Cost of Drugs

Embedded in President Obama’s budget request to Congress is a paradox.

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