Democrats, Advocates Eye California’s Booming Revenues

Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposed $122.6 billion California budget plan would seem to please Democratic interests by pumping billions of tax dollars generated by the booming state economy into public schools and universities, health care for the poor and public infrastructure.

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Tax Filing Issues Could Jeopardize Health Law Aid For Many

About 1.4 million households that got financial help for health insurance under President Barack Obama's law failed to properly account for it on their tax returns last year, putting their subsidies at risk if they want to keep coverage.

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Insurers Say Costs Are Climbing As More Enroll Past Health Act Deadline

Eager to maximize coverage under the Affordable Care Act, the Obama administration has allowed large numbers of people to sign up for insurance after the deadlines in the last two years, destabilizing insurance markets and driving up premiums, health insurance companies say.

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More Than 11.3 Million Americans Signed Up For Obamacare, HHS Says

More than 11.3 million people have signed up for health coverage under the Affordable Care Act in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, according to data released Thursday that provides the first national snapshot of enrollment for 2016.

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Young Adult Health Insurance Sign-Ups Disappoint

The Obama administration so far is making little progress in getting more young adults to sign up for health policies on the federal insurance exchange, according to figures released Thursday.

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ObamaCare Not Shifting Workers to Part-Time Jobs

ObamaCare has not caused employers to shift workers into part-time work, according to a new study.

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238,000 Join Covered California for Individual Coverage Ahead of Jan. 31 Deadline

More than 238,000 Californians have joined Covered California’s health insurance exchange as of Jan. 2.

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California Budget: Gov. Jerry Brown’s Plan Includes Framework for Deal on Health Plan Tax

With years of budget woes fading in the rearview mirror, Gov. Jerry Brown on Thursday unveiled the first draft of the state's next budget -- which includes a proposal for a new tax on health care plans that would prevent a $1.1 billion cutoff of federal funds.

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Health-Law Tax-Credit Payments to Insurers Questioned

The Obama administration wasn’t able to ensure that all tax-credit payments made to insurers under the health law in 2014 were on behalf of consumers who had paid their premiums, according to a federal oversight agency.

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Survey: US Progress on Health Insurance Stalled in 2015

Seeking a strong showing in President Barack Obama's last year in office, the administration said Thursday 11.3 million people have enrolled for health law coverage with three weeks still left in the sign-up season.

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