Feds Find Doctor Listings Often Wrong In Medicare Advantage Directories

Provider directories for private Medicare Advantage plans are riddled with errors, according to the government’s first in-depth review.

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11.7 Million Uninsured Eligible for Medicaid , Tax Credits Under ACA

Kaiser Family Foundation estimated about 11.7 million of Americans who remain uninsured qualify for Medicaid or tax credits to purchase insurance through their state's Affordable Care Act exchange.

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Some Health Plan Costs to Increase by an Average of 25 Percent, U.S. Says

Premiums for midlevel health plans under the Affordable Care Act will increase by an average of 25 percent next year, while consumers in some states will find significantly fewer insurance companies offering coverage, the federal government said Monday.

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While Obamacare Premiums Rise, Employer-Based Health Plans Shift to Higher Deductibles

Double-digit premium hikes are jolting millions of Americans who get their coverage through the Affordable Care Act, but just the opposite is happening to Ryan Lemburg.

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Rising Insurance Premiums Boost Talk of Changes to Affordable Care Act

Insurer defections and rising premiums in the individual insurance market are spurring Democrats and Republicans alike to talk about changes to the 2010 Affordable Care Act.

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California Employers with Qualified Plans Not Subject to New Secure Choice Program

On September 29, 2016, California Governor Brown approved significant amendments to the 2012 California Secure Choice Retirement Savings Trust Act ("Secure Choice").

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Burwell Says Upcoming Enrollment Efforts Are Pivotal For Health Law

Rate hikes are likely on the way for plans offered on the health law’s online exchanges, or marketplaces. Consumers’ out-of-pocket costs are expected to climb, and some major insurers are pulling out.

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Obamacare Sign-Ups for 2017 Projected at 13.8 Million, Slight Rise Over 2016

The nation's top health official said Wednesday she expects nearly 13.8 million people to sign up for Obamacare insurance plans for health coverage in 2017 during the upcoming open enrollment season.

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California Releases Latest ‘Report Cards” On Health Plans, Doctor Groups

California’s Office of the Patient Advocate Friday released its annual report cards on health plans and medical groups — tools meant to help guide consumers and employers as they shop for coverage during the upcoming open enrollment season.

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Rate Increases For Health Plans Pose Serious Test for Obama’s Signature Law

Finalized rates for big health insurance plans around the country show the magnitude of the challenge facing the Obama administration as it seeks to stabilize the insurance market under the Affordable Care Act in its remaining weeks in office.

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