7.5 Million Californians Would Have Lost Coverage Under Latest Obamacare Repeal Effort, State Health Insurance Exchange Says

Californians who get their health coverage on the individual market could face dire consequences under the current Republican effort to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, warned a new analysis released Monday by Covered California, the state's health insurance exchange.

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When a Drug Coupon Helps You But Hurts Fellow Citizens

It’s completely rational for you to use coupons to reduce the cost of your brand-name drug purchase.

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Trust in Health Insurers Sinks to an All-Time Low

Health system executives' and physicians' trust in health insurers has sunk to an all-time low, a new survey shows. 

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Sanders Slams GOP, Touts Universal Health Care in California

Sen. Bernie Sanders pilloried Republican efforts to overhaul the health care system and touted his own Medicare for all plan Friday before an effusive California audience that welcomed him on stage with chants of "Run, Bernie, Run!"

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Trump to Make ObamaCare Payments for September

The Trump administration will make key ObamaCare payments to insurers in September, though a final decision hasn’t been made about future payments, a White House spokesman said Tuesday.

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Last-Ditch Effort By Republicans To Replace ACA: What You Need To Know

Republican efforts in Congress to “repeal and replace” the federal Affordable Care Act are back from the dead. Again.

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Sandoval Signs Governors’ Letter Opposing Heller Obamacare Repeal

Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval has joined with nine other governors in asking the U.S. Senate leadership to reject the latest proposal to replace the Affordable Care Act.

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McConnell Intends to Bring Repeal Bill to Senate Floor Next Week, Spokesman Says

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) plans to bring a bill to undo the Affordable Care Act to the Senate floor next week, a McConnell spokesman said Wednesday.

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Injunction Denied: Pharma Argument Fails to Freeze Nevada Drug Pricing Law

Drug pricing regulation hasn't gained much ground on a national level, but in Nevada, there's a fierce fight over pricing and transparency for diabetes medications. In the latest twist, the industry lost its bid to stall a new law that's designed to shine light on pricing practices. 

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Southern Nevada Medicare Dilemma: Pay More or Switch Doctors

The recent decision by Southwest Medical Associates to stop covering traditional Medicare patients in Southern Nevada makes 66-year-old Anne Zarate sick to her stomach.

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