Melding Health Overhaul and Taxes Gets Complicated

President Barack Obama's health care law uses the tax system to subsidize coverage for the uninsured.

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Hurdles for Obama Health Law in 2nd Sign-Up Season

Potential complications await consumers as President Barack Obama's health care law approaches its second open enrollment season, just two months away.

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Health-Law Advocates to Tweak ACA Marketing Campaign for the Fall

The sales pitch for the health law is getting an overhaul for the fall.

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Intervenor Role Now Politically Charged

The latest volley in the war over Proposition 45, the November ballot initiative to regulate health insurance rate hikes, is over intervenors who play an obscure role in the state's process for overseeing insurance.

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Trial-Lawyer Scam: Vote No On Prop. 45

In California, health insurance is already thoroughly regulated by the state.

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IRS Commissioner: We’ll Deal With Obamacare Even Though Congress Has Withheld Funding Request

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen told Congress on Wednesday his agency is not getting the funding it needs to help consumers sift through new Obamacare requirements during next year's filing season.

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