Surprises Lurk for People Re-Enrolling on

In a twist, an influx of lower-priced health plans on could lead many Americans to pay more for coverage next year thanks to smaller insurance tax credits.

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Five Consumer Tips for Buying Health Insurance on Nevada health Link

Nevada Health Link and will be back in the spotlight this week.

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Knowledge Gap May Hinder Needed Help for Uninsured

An information gap could keep the Affordable Care Act from helping those who really need the law's help.

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Estimate of Health Coverage Enrollment Leaves Room to Grow

The Obama administration on Monday offered a surprisingly modest estimate of the number of people who would sign up for health insurance in the second round of open enrollment, which begins on Saturday.

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How Employers Are Getting Ready For Open Enrollment

Some large employers will face penalties if they don't offer workers health insurance in 2015.

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New Opens Early to Allow for Review of Plans

The Obama administration said Sunday that consumers could shop for health insurance and compare their options on starting Monday, even before the open enrollment period formally begins five days later.

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