Obamacare Users Would Move to Low-Cost Plans in 2016 Under U.S. Proposal

Obamacare customers who choose to re-enroll in insurance plans would automatically default to cheaper coverage during sign-up periods, protecting them from price increases, under rules proposed by the U.S. government.

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The Industrialization of Care: How Medical Care Is Being Corrupted

WHEN we are patients, we want our doctors to make recommendations that are in our best interests as individuals.

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Medicare Doles Out $45B in Improper Payments

It's not news that the federal government has a serious issue with improper payments. During each of the last five years, agencies have doled out more than $100 billion in erroneous payments from various major benefit programs.

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Central Valley Undocumented Immigrants See Hope In Obama Action

Six years ago, Rosa Acevedo left her daughter Moraina, 3, at home with her parents in Mexico so she could chase her American dream of earning $8.25 to $9.25 an hour picking grapes, strawberries and tomatoes in the San Joaquin Valley.

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State Health Exchange Signs Up 11,000 In First Four Days

Health plan sign-ups in the first four days of Covered California's second season outpaced the early days of last year's maiden enrollment period by nearly four times, the state's Obamacare health insurance exchange said Thursday.

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Financial Health of Insurance Marketplace to be Tested in 2nd Year; Must be Self-Sustaining

The federal government shelled out billions of dollars to get health insurance marketplaces going in the 14 states that opted to run their own.

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