Calif. Medical Board To Investigate Drugmakers’ Payments to Doctors

Medical Board of California officials say they plan to investigate whether drugmakers' payments have inappropriately influenced doctors who prescribe psychiatric medication to children in California's foster care system, the San Jose Mercury News reports (de Sá, San Jose Mercury News, 11/24).

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California Legislative Upsets Deny Dems Super Majority

We're less than a week from the swearing-in for California's next class of lawmakers, and we can finally be certain that two new names will be on the list.

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Immigrant Baffled by Lapse is working better, but immigrants are running into what looks like an obvious slip-up.

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Judge Won’t Stop L.A. County From Sending 91,000 Medi-Cal Cancellations

More than 91,000 Medi-Cal recipients in Los Angeles County will be sent letters this week telling them that their state-supported healthcare coverage will end on Nov. 30.

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Obamacare Premiums for Most Popular Plans Will Spike 10 Percent

Premiums on the most popular Obamacare exchange plans will increase by an average of 10 percent in 2015, according to an analysis released Thursday that underscores the importance of shopping around in the law's second year.

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Health Insurance Enrollment for Exchanges Was Overcounted

The Obama administration acknowledged on Thursday that it overcounted the total number of people signed up for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act exchanges.

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