Obama Proposes That Medicare Be Given the Right to Negotiate the Cost of Drugs

Embedded in President Obama’s budget request to Congress is a paradox.

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California, Washington Shine During Special Obamacare Sign-Ups

Two states that run their own Obamacare markets—California and Washington—are blowing away the much-larger, federally run HealthCare.gov when it comes to signing up customers during a tax season grace period.

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Uninsured Rate Falls by Half in States that Expanded Medicaid

While all states saw major increases in coverage under ObamaCare, the biggest differences were seen in states that accepted federal dollars to expand eligibility for Medicaid, according to new figures from the Urban Institute’s Health Reform Monitoring Survey. The drop in the uninsured rate was about 30 percent in the 31 states that did not ...

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Talks Begin on Capitol Hill Budget Measure

WASHINGTON — Lawmakers quarreled Monday over Medicare, taxes and almost $40 billion in unrequested money for overseas war-fighting as House and Senate negotiators kicked off work on a Republican budget blueprint for next year and beyond. “A budget is more than just a set of numbers. It is a reflection of our priorities, of our ...

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Efforts to Improve Denti-Cal Heat Up

A California program that subsidizes the cost of dental services for millions of low-income children and adults has come under scrutiny in recent months for the relatively small number of people served. Critics say they hope the attention will finally drive positive changes in the program commonly known as Denti-Cal. The most recent round of ...

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What’s at Stake in the Supreme Court Obamacare Case

The Affordable Care Act mandates that all Americans get health coverage or pay a penalty. To help people pay for that insurance, the federal government subsidizes insurance premiums for millions of Americans. In just a couple of months, the Supreme Court will rule in a major case concerning those subsidies. The question is whether the ...

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