Individual Enrollment Tops Small-Biz Health Coverage in California

The number of Californians with health coverage through small employers dropped below enrollment in the individual market for the first time, a new study shows.

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Covered California to Cap Patient Costs for High-Priced Specialty Drugs

Covered California board members voted Thursday to become the first state health care exchange in the nation to impose price caps on high-cost specialty drugs to treat conditions such as hepatitis C and HIV.

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Multi-Carrier Private Exchange Eclipses California SHOP

Covered California's Small Employer Health Options Program (SHOP) is growing, but a private-sector competitor to the state-run HIX is growing even faster.

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Audit Questions Medicaid Billing by 335 California Dentists

A California dentist who treats children under Medicaid billed for more than 1,000 services a day for almost 100 days in 2012.

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Senate Panel Launches Probe Into ObamaCare Subsidies

A Senate panel announced an investigation Thursday into ObamaCare insurance subsidies, which Republicans claim have been improperly paid out without verification.

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GOP Lawmaker Presses House Leaders for ObamaCare Alternative

Another Republican lawmaker is warning House GOP leaders that they need to come up with a fully fledged plan in case the Supreme Court rules against ObamaCare next month.

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