146K Sign Up During ObamaCare Extension

Nearly 150,000 people signed up for health insurance during ObamaCare's extra enrollment period this spring, the federal government announced Tuesday.

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Western Dental Says Denti-Cal is Broken, Starts Closing Doors to New Patients

Western Dental will begin to close the door to new Denti-Cal patients next month - and will shut some offices altogether - as the company reassesses participation in the state dental program for the poor.

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CBO’s ‘Dynamic Scoring’ Could Affect ACA, Other Health Programs

On Tuesday, the Congressional Budget Office said that it will use a different type of economic analysis to study federal spending policies' effects, particularly in regard to health care, Modern Healthcare reports.

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More People Able to Pay Medical Bills Under ObamaCare

A new study finds that since ObamaCare went into effect, more people are able to pay their family medical bills.

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Health Insurance Makes Big Shift to Managed-Care Regulator

A big shift in the individual health insurance market in 2014 gave the California Department of Managed Health Care the most enrollment in all three sectors of commercial insurance.

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Jerry Brown’s Proposal to Expand Health Pan Tax Sputtering

Gov. Jerry Brown’s plan to make more managed care organizations pay a state tax - one likely to be passed on to consumers - is meeting resistance at the Capitol.

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