Little Headway In Attracting More Hispanics To ACA Health Coverage

The number of people shopping for medical insurance on the Spanish-language version of is lagging behind last year's interest, even as the Obama administration urges Hispanics to sign up for coverage under the Affordable Care Act.

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Senate Unveils Updated Budget Reconciliation Bill To Dismantle ACA

On Monday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) unveiled an updated plan to dismantle the Affordable Care Act

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Health Republic is Latest Health Care Co-Op to Go Under

About 200,000 New Yorkers will see their Health Republic policies expire on Monday, marking the demise of the 12th health insurance co-op established under the Affordable Care Act.

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Irvine-Based St. Joseph Health System, Providence Health to Combine Operations

Irvine-based St. Joseph Health System and Renton, Wash.-based Providence Health & Services – both nonprofit Catholic hospital groups – have signed a definitive agreement to combine their operations

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UnitedHealth Takes a Direct Approach With the Affordable Care Act

UnitedHealth Group shook the ground under the Affordable Care Act market for individual health insurance when it said it was considering withdrawing altogether after a bad experience this year.

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Instability in Marketplace Draws Concern on Both Sides of Health Law

The latest turmoil in health insurance marketplaces created by the Affordable Care Act has emboldened advocates on both sides of the political spectrum, providing ammunition to conservatives who want to shrink the federal role and liberals who want to expand it.

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