Affordable Care Act Plans Get 1 Million New Subscribers

A million new customers have signed up for health insurance during the Affordable Care Act’s third open-enrollment season, Obama administration officials said on Wednesday, and call centers have been deluged with requests from others eager to enroll.

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Uninsured People Eligible For Obamacare Face Average $969 Penalty In 2016

The penalty for failing to have health insurance is going up, perhaps even higher than you expected.

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Nevadans Slow To Embrace State’s Health Insurance Exchange, Data Show

New numbers show Nevadans have been slow to jump into the state's health insurance exchange.

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Health-Law Avoiders Won’t Get Reprieve This Time Around

Federal officials said Monday that if uninsured people don’t obtain coverage within the health law’s official enrollment period, which ends Jan. 31, they won’t get an extension to avoid the law’s penalty for going without insurance this time around.

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How an $84,000 Drug Got Its Price: ‘Let’s Hold Our Position … Whatever the Headlines’

Gilead Sciences executives were acutely aware in 2013 that their plan to charge an exorbitantly high price for a powerful new hepatitis C drug would spark public outrage, but they pursued the profit-driven strategy anyway, according to a Senate Finance Committee investigation report released Tuesday.

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Kaiser Permanente to Buy Major Insurer in Washington State

Kaiser Permanente has agreed to acquire a major health insurer in Washington state, signaling a more aggressive expansion strategy for the big California-based managed-care operator at a time when its integrated model is increasingly fashionable.

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