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Industry Updates

This broad category includes articles concerning health insurance costs, carrier and health plan news, changing benefits technology, and surveys by the Kaiser Family Foundation and others on employee benefits.

Repealing Obamacare Without Replacement Would Hike Premiums 20% and Leave 18 Million Uninsured

Repealing Obamacare without a replacement would result in higher costs for consumers and fewer people with insurance coverage, according to a report Tuesday from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.

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21 Medicare Health Plans Warned To Fix Provider Directory Errors

Federal officials this month warned 21 Medicare Advantage insurers with high rates of errors in their online network directories that they could face heavy fines or have to stop enrolling people if the problems are not fixed by Feb. 6.

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California’s Community Clinics, Big ACA Beneficiaries, Worry About Their Future

Paula Wilson has seen some tough times in her 23 years as the CEO of Valley Community Healthcare, a clinic that provides care for the poor in North Hollywood, Calif. But nothing was quite like November 9, the day after the U.S. elections, when walking around the office “was like coming into a funeral,” she said.

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2 More Providers Agree to Participate on Nevada’s Health Insurance Exchange

Subsidiaries of two major health insurers — Aetna Inc. and Centene Corp. — have agreed to join Nevada’s Affordable Care Act-created health insurance exchange, even as Congress takes steps that could lead to its demise. Aetna Better Health of Nevada and Silver Summit Health Plan, two of the four providers selected by the state to offer managed care services to Nevadans enrolled in Medicaid, consented in contracts to offer plans on the exchange, Tammy Ritter of the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services said Thursday. The timeline for doing so isn’t yet clear, she said.

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Health Law Repeal Could Cost 18 Million Their Insurance, Study Finds

Eighteen million people could lose their insurance within a year and individual insurance premiums would shoot upward if Congress repealed major provisions of the Affordable Care Act while leaving other parts in place, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said on Tuesday. A report by the office sharply increases pressure on Republicans to come up with a comprehensive plan to replace the health care law. It is likely to doom the idea of voting to dismantle the 2010 health law almost immediately, with an effective date set sometime in the future while Congress works toward a replacement.

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Roughly 10,000 Covered California Enrollees Lose Premium Subsidies, At Least For Now

Nearly 10,000 Covered California policy holders have lost their federal tax credits — at least temporarily — due to a bookkeeping error by the state health insurance exchange.

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Health Law Sleepers: Six Surprising Health Items That Could Disappear With ACA Repeal

The Affordable Care Act of course affected premiums and insurance purchasing.

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Consumer Watchdog Collects Millions, But Does It Lower Your Insurance Rates?

Nearly 30 years ago, consumer activist Harvey Rosenfield wrote and helped qualify Proposition 103, the November 1988 ballot measure that overhauled state regulation of home and auto insurance rates.

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Gov. Brown’s Budget Shows Support for Medi-Cal

Gov. Jerry Brown's proposed budget shows continued support for California's Medicaid program as talks of a repeal of the Affordable Care Act gain momentum.

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Jerry Brown Doesn’t Want to Give Doctors a Cut of New Tobacco Tax Money

Doctors have long argued that the money they receive for serving Medi-Cal patients isn’t enough to sustain a practice, leading to a shortage of medical providers willing to treat California’s poorest residents in rural communities and other pockets of the state.

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