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This section focuses on health care compliance and regulations – both national and state – including the ACA. It includes changes in health care law, regulation, and court decisions and their impact on health insurance professionals, employers, and individuals.

States To Help Pay Obamacare Tax On Insurers

States and the federal government will spend at least $700 million this year to pay the tax for their Medicaid health plans. The three dozen states that use Medicaid managed care plans will give those insurers more money to cover the new expense.

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Doctors are shifting their business models

Being a doctor in private practice today is more complicated than it used to be, with growing financial pressures, more government regulation, greater oversight by insurers, rapid developments in medicine and pressure to keep up with technology.

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High Health Plan Deductibles Weigh Down More Employees

Next year, more corporate workers are likely to be offered high-deductible plans — sometimes known more benignly as consumer-directed plans.

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