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This section focuses on health care compliance and regulations – both national and state – including the ACA. It includes changes in health care law, regulation, and court decisions and their impact on health insurance professionals, employers, and individuals.

Health Care Website Still has a Lot of Fixes to Make

Steve Michaelson wants us to get down to business. The Las Vegan emailed us about the spate of stories we've written on locals who've been unable to get medical coverage or care despite paying months' worth of premiums to Nevada Health Link.

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Nevada Exchanges Staff: Stick with Systems in 2016

Staff members at Nevada's state-based Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) exchange say the state should focus on getting the state's version of working properly this fall, not chase after efforts to set up a state-based enrollment system in 2016.

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California Health Insurance Exchange Unveils Ad Campaign and Outreach

Preparing for the second year of Obamacare enrollment, California unveiled new television ads and handed out $14.6 million to community groups for consumer outreach.

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Covered California Delays Announcement of SHOP Plans for 2015

Don't look for an announcement Monday about which health plans will participate next year in Covered California's Small Employer Health Options Program -- better known as SHOP.

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Appeals Court Weighs Texas Abortion Law

A federal appeals court in New Orleans is reviewing whether 11 clinics that provide abortion in Texas must immediately close their doors because they don't comply with a state law requiring that they meet all the standards of an outpatient surgical center.

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Melding Health Overhaul and Taxes Gets Complicated

President Barack Obama's health care law uses the tax system to subsidize coverage for the uninsured.

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Hurdles for Obama Health Law in 2nd Sign-Up Season

Potential complications await consumers as President Barack Obama's health care law approaches its second open enrollment season, just two months away.

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Health-Law Advocates to Tweak ACA Marketing Campaign for the Fall

The sales pitch for the health law is getting an overhaul for the fall.

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IRS Commissioner: We’ll Deal With Obamacare Even Though Congress Has Withheld Funding Request

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen told Congress on Wednesday his agency is not getting the funding it needs to help consumers sift through new Obamacare requirements during next year's filing season.

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Obamacare Has Reduced The Uninsured Rate For Virtually Everyone – Except Kids

By now, the evidence seems pretty clear that Obamacare has reduced the ranks of the uninsured across virtually every demographic since the start of the law's coverage expansion in January.

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