This section focuses on health care compliance and regulations – both national and state – including the ACA. It includes changes in health care law, regulation, and court decisions and their impact on health insurance professionals, employers, and individuals.
Over 10 million people enrolled in Medicaid and the children's health insurance program since ObamaCare's launch a year and a half ago, the administration announced Monday.
The national medical bill may be back to growing faster than gross domestic product. After five years of historically slow growth, new data show U.S. health-care spending accelerated significantly in 2014.
Take it or leave it. That's the message to a Southern California for-profit company from Attorney General Kamala Harris who late last week laid out a dozen requirements for Prime Healthcare Services' $843 million deal to buy six cash-crunched nonprofit hospitals.
California lawmakers are considering a bill (AB 339) that aims to keep prescription drug costs down by limiting which medications insurers can include in the highest-cost drug tier, Capital Public Radio's "KXJZ News" reports.
The White House is preparing new rules designed to strengthen restrictions on financial advisors providing guidance to clients regarding retirement savings.
One of these days, employers will experience the full effects of Obamacare - but not yet.
Obamacare-loving California led the nation in embracing the health-care law, and in enrolling its citizens for 2014 coverage.
If you work for a living, do you know who your boss is? And if you run a business, do you know who's on your payroll?
The national medical bill may be back to growing faster than gross domestic product. After five years of historically slow growth, new data show U.S. health-care spending accelerated significantly in 2014.
The Internal Revenue Service will delay imposing excise taxes on small businesses that reimburse their employees for the cost of buying individual health insurance policies.