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This section focuses on health care compliance and regulations – both national and state – including the ACA. It includes changes in health care law, regulation, and court decisions and their impact on health insurance professionals, employers, and individuals.

California Pharmacists Report Progress in Move to Broaden Scope of Practice

Pharmacists are about to finish one phase and start another in the march toward broadening their scope of practice in California to include more primary care services.

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GOP Vows to Repeal and Replace ObamaCare

Republicans vowed to repeal and replace ObamaCare following President Obama's State of the Union address, a speech that repeatedly touted the successes of the healthcare law.

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Proposed Insurance Enrollment Period Changes Worries Some

A proposal to shift the Affordable Care Act's annual enrollment period could both help and hurt consumers, according to state insurance regulators and industry officials.

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Obamacare Cost To Be 20% Less Than Forecast, Budget Office Says

President Obama's healthcare law will cost about 20% less over the next decade than originally projected, the Congressional Budget Office reported Monday, in part because lower-than-expected healthcare inflation has led to smaller premiums.

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A Knee Replacement Surgery Could Cost $17k or $61K. And That’s is in the Same City

Thanks to recent efforts to make health-care prices more transparent, we have a better idea that Americans pay much more for a doctor's visit or common procedures in some parts of the country versus another.

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800,000 Households Got Health Care Subsides in California

Some 800,000 California households received $3.2 billion in federal health care subsidies last year, officials said Monday.

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Tax Preparers Brace To Be Bearers of Bad Health Law News

Are you thinking about tax day yet? Your friendly neighborhood tax preparer is. IRS Commissioner John Koskinen declared this tax season one of the most complicated ever, and tax preparers from coast to coast are trying to get ready for the first year that the Affordable Care Act will show up on your tax form.

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Health Insurers May Face Tougher Rules On Doctor Lists

In response to complaints about Obamacare doctor networks, a California lawmaker and three consumer groups are seeking legislation that would require health plans to improve provider directories.

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Government Closer to Goal of 9.1M Enrolled Under Health Law

The Obama administration is moving closer to its goal of 9.1 million people signed up for private coverage under the president's health care law.

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Tax Preparers Brace to be Bearers of Bad Health Law News

Are you thinking about tax day yet? Your friendly neighborhood tax preparer is. IRS Commissioner John Koskinen declared this tax season one of the most complicated ever, and tax preparers from coast to coast are trying to get ready for the first year that the Affordable Care Act will show up on your tax form.

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