Hospital Revenues Appear To Be Rising

Hospital revenues appear to be on the upswing as more patients receive care — which is welcome news for the hospital industry and not-so-great for insurers. Why it matters: Hospitals have been warning for months that their financial stability is threatened by inflation, labor costs and other factors in the wake of the pandemic, which could ultimately threaten patient ...

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Medicare Surge To Drive Health Care Spending Past $7 Trillion

A surge of Medicare spending on hospitals and other services later this decade will help U.S. health care expenditures outpace inflation and top $7.2 trillion by 2031, federal actuaries said on Wednesday. Why it matters: The new projections show medical spending across all categories rebounding from the pandemic doldrums, with hospitals being the biggest cost-driver. That likely will ...

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Help Clients Get Reimbursed For COVID-19 Paid Sick Leave

Your small business clients may be eligible to apply for reimbursement of costs incurred in connection with the California COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave program. Qualifying employers are eligible for $5,000 to $50,000. Funds awarded can be used solely to reimburse California employers that offered COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave between January 1, 2022, through ...

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Doctors Urged To Move Beyond BMI Alone As A Health Measure

Roughly 200 years ago, a Belgian mathematician and statistician named Adolphe Quetelet, seeking to characterize “normal man,” observed that adults’ body weight in kilograms is roughly proportional to the square of their height in meters – a measurement that came to be referred to as the Quetelet index. It wasn’t until 1972, when physiologist Dr. Ancel Keys proposed it as ...

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What Are the Best Food and Drinks to Improve Your Mental Health?

We’ve all heard the adage: “You are what you eat.” It’s a common proverb that originated in the 19th century by Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, who is largely credited as the founding father of the gastronomy bible. His pièce de résistance was the book, “The Physiology of Taste: Or Meditations on Transcendental Gastronomy,” in which he ...

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The Coverage Reshuffle: Health Insurance Projections & Health Care Spending, 2023-33

The end of COVID continuous coverage requirements for Medicaid and the expiration of enhanced Obamacare premium subsidies after 2025 will affect both health-care spending and sources of coverage. The Congressional Budget Office in late May released its latest estimates for Americans younger than age 65.

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Bill To Finance A State-Run Healthcare System Advances To Assembly Health Committee

SB 770, a bill advancing Single Payer in California passed off the Senate Floor last week and is now heading to the Assembly Health Committee.

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Compromise Struck To Preserve Obamacare’s Preventive Care Mandate

The Texas conservatives challenging Obamacare’s preventive care mandate have reached a tentative compromise with the Justice Department that preserves free coverage for a range of services — from syphilis tests to depression screenings.

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Small Amounts Of Alcohol May Turn Down Stress In The Brain, Benefiting The Heart, New Study Finds

Researchers say they may be able to explain how light drinking benefits the heart, and its main effect doesn’t stem from changes in the blood – as scientists once thought – but from its actions in the brain. But because alcohol also raises the risk of cancer at any amount, however, researchers say they aren’t ...

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Take An X To The Public Health Insurance Option

There’s an old proverb—everything old is new again. That is certainly true for healthcare policy. Last month, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., introduced the Medicare for All Act of 2023, the single-payer health plan the Vermont socialist has been pushing for years. President Biden will surely dust off his old proposal for a public option whenever he launches ...

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