Price Of Elder Care Soars As Demand Increases, Baby Boomers Age

The price of nursing home care increased by an average of 2.4 percent each year between 2012 and 2019, for a cumulative increase of 20.7 percent, according to data from the health research group Altarum Institute.

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Sweeping Drug Shortages Force Health System Pharmacists To Adjust Treatment, Purchasing, Survey Finds

Drug shortages are rife across hospital and health system pharmacies and forcing most pharmacists to rely on alternatives that drive up costs and sometimes impede care, particularly when it comes to cancer care, according to new survey data of more than 1,100 provider pharmacy specialists. The membership poll, fielded this summer by the American Society ...

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Amazon Pharmacy’s Latest Move Aims To Ease Access To Affordable Insulin

Amazon has been focused on ways to make prescription drugs more affordable for consumers as it works to carve out a piece of the retail pharmacy market. The online retail giant’s pharmacy arm is now taking aim at easing access to affordable insulin. Amazon Pharmacy will automatically apply drug-manufacturer-sponsored coupons on more than 15 insulin and ...

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As a Union Pushes to Cap Hospital CEO Pay, It’s Accused of Playing Politics

The aim is aspirational: Hospital executives shouldn’t make more than the president of the United States. Next spring, Los Angeles city voters will have a chance to put the brake on runaway salaries by capping hospital executives’ pay at $450,000 a year. The measure, proposed by a local union and approved by the City Council in June, ...

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Proposed Rule Would Make Hospital Prices Even More Transparent

“How much is the ice cream?” A simple enough question, featured on a new TV and online advertisement, posed by a man who just wants something cold. A woman behind the counter responds with a smile: “Prices? No, we don’t have those anymore. We have estimates.” The satirical ad pretends to be a news report highlighting ...

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Scrutiny Over Drug Costs Shifts To Pharmacy Benefit Managers

The pharmaceutical industry has taken most of the heat in Congress and the public’s mind for high drug prices. But increasingly, scrutiny is shifting to a different part of the supply chain: pharmacy benefit managers. Why it matters: PBMs may not resonate with the average person the way big drugmakers like Pfizer do, but they play an important role in determining how ...

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DOJ Blasts Industry Attempt To Delay Medicare Drug Price Negotiations

The Department of Justice (DOJ) lambasted the Chamber of Commerce’s request for an injunction to block the Medicare drug price negotiation program, arguing in court filings that the organization had no standing to file the lawsuit and that pausing the program would harm the public. The rebuttal comes weeks before the federal government is expected ...

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5 Generations Of Employees Share Their Real Open Enrollment Wants And Needs

If you had to guess, how much time would you say it takes to prepare for open enrollment every year? Your answer probably sounds something like, “Too many hours to count.” The brokers I work with will spend the next several months crafting benefits guides, reminder emails, and Powerpoint presentations, all in an effort to ...

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Patients in California County May See Refunds, Debt Relief From Charity Care Settlement

California’s largest public hospital plans to start notifying 43,000 former patients Monday that they may be eligible for refunds or billing corrections, part of what advocates called a major legal settlement that will help force the hospital to fulfill its charity care obligations. Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, along with other units of county-owned Santa ...

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Microgreens and Mature Vegetables Might Both Limit Weight Gain, Study Suggests

Microgreens and mature vegetables may offer different nutrients, but they might both be effective in limiting weight gain, new research suggests. Microgreens – older than sprouts but younger than baby greens – have been touted by some as a superfood, and scientists are aiming to find out if they have earned this reputation, and how ...

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