Senators Ask CEOs Why Their Drugs Cost So Much More In The U.S.

Sparks flew on Capitol Hill Thursday as the CEOs of three drug companies faced questions from the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions about why drug prices are so much higher in the United States than they are in the rest of the world.

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California Wants To Cap Your Medical Bills. Guess Who’s Pushing Back

A new state office charged with controlling the rising cost of health care in California is moving toward one of the most aggressive goals in the nation, aiming to cap cost increases to 3% a year.

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California Lawmaker Takes Another Shot At Single-Payer Health Care

This isn’t the first time Assemblymember Ash Kalra has tried to create a single-payer health coverage system in California. The San Jose Democrat first introduced Assembly Bill 1400 about three years ago. Called Guaranteed Health Care for All, it sought to create CalCare — a universal, single-payer health care coverage and cost control system for the state. ...

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Federal Judge Tosses Lobbying Group’s Lawsuit Challenging Medicare Drug Price Negotiations

A federal judge on Monday dismissed a lawsuit brought by a major pharmaceutical industry lobbying group and two other organizations that challenged Medicare’s new powers to negotiate prices for costly prescription medicines.

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In Fight Over Medicare Payments, the Hospital Lobby Shows Its Strength

In the battle to control health care costs, hospitals are deploying their political power to protect their bottom lines. The point of contention: For decades, Medicare has paid hospitals — including hospital-owned physician practices that may not be physically located in a hospital building — about double the rates it pays other doctors and facilities ...

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GoFundMe Has Become a Health Care Utility

GoFundMe started as a crowdfunding site for underwriting “ideas and dreams,” and, as GoFundMe’s co-founders, Andrew Ballester and Brad Damphousse, once put it, “for life’s important moments.” In the early years, it funded honeymoon trips, graduation gifts, and church missions to overseas hospitals in need. Now GoFundMe has become a go-to platform for patients trying ...

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Employee Benefits Help Provide A Solid Financial Foundation For Many U.S. Workers

Employee benefits help provide a solid financial foundation for many U.S. workers. Seven in 10 have at least one employer-provided insurance policy other than health insurance this year. “Insurance is the bread and butter of many financial advisors, but we must know what protections clients get at work to make sure our offerings are as ...

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House Panel Passes PBM Bill That Bans Spread Pricing, Only Allows A Flat Service Fee

The Delinking Revenue from Unfair Gouging (DRUG) Act would require pharmacy benefit managers that contract with a carrier offering federal health benefits plans to “de-link” the fees they charge insurers from the price of drugs.

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Senators Working On Legislation To Reform How Medicare Pays Physicians

A bipartisan group of senators announced Friday that it is working on new legislation for “long-term reforms” to physician payments under Medicare and other program changes. In a joint release, U.S. Sens. Catherine Cortez Masto, D-Nevada; Marsha Blackburn, R-Tennessee; John Barrasso, R-Wyoming; Debbie Stabenow, D-Michigan; Mark Warner, D-Virginia; and Minority Whip John Thune, R-South Dakota ...

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Health Insurers Balk At Proposed Medicare Advantage Rates

CVS Health and Centene executives say newly proposed Medicare Advantage rates for 2025 aren’t “sufficient” and hinted they could cut benefits if the federal government finalizes the rates as is. Why it matters: More than half of Medicare enrollees are in private Medicare Advantage plans. The specter of potential cuts to seniors’ health care benefits in an election ...

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