Support Drops for ‘Medicare for All’ but Increases for Public Option

Support is dropping for Sen. Bernie Sanders "Medicare for All" health care plan, according to a poll released Tuesday.

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Pelosi Drug Plan Saves $345B but Could Reduce Flow of New Drugs

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s drug prices plan would reduce Medicare spending by $345 billion over a seven-year period but could also impact the number of new drugs entering the market, according to an analysis from the Congressional Budget Office.

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Heads Up: A Ruling On The Latest Challenge To The Affordable Care Act Is Coming

A decision in the latest court case to threaten the future of the Affordable Care Act could come as soon as this month. The ruling will come from the panel of judges in the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, which heard oral arguments in the Texas v. Azar lawsuit.

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Trump’s Five Big Changes to ‘Obamacare’

The very day President Trump was sworn in — Jan. 20, 2017 — he signed an executive order instructing administration officials "to waive, defer, grant exemptions from, or delay" implementing parts of the Affordable Care Act, while Congress got ready to repeal and replace President Obama's signature health law.

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Signing Up for Medi-Cal or Covered California: Everything You Need to Know Before Enrolling

Starting in January, Californians will be required to sign up for health insurance or face a $695 tax penalty under the new state mandate.

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Will Medicare-For-All Hurt the Middle Class?

The two presidential candidates who have most strenuously backed Medicare-for-all are scrambling to ease concerns that it would create higher costs for many middle-class Americans.

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Extent Of Health Coverage Gains From California Gig Worker Law Uncertain

A new California law that reclassifies some independent contractors as employees, requiring they be offered a range of benefits and worker protections, will likely expand health insurance coverage in the state, health policy experts say.

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Drug Companies Conspire to Keep Prices High, Will Newsom Disrupt ‘Pay for Delay’?

It’s shocking how far pharmaceutical companies go to keep drug prices high. Take, for example, a tactic known as “pay for delay.” It allows pharmaceutical companies to keep cheaper generic versions of their drugs off of the market.

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California Issuers May Push Off-Exchange Enrollees Toward Exchange

Managers of Covered California say participating health plans will be encouraging off-exchange enrollees who qualify for exchange subsidies to switch to exchange coverage.

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Medicare Managers Post 2020 Producer Comp Summaries

Issuers of stand-alone Medicare Part D prescription drug plans may pay much higher minimum sales compensation levels in 2020.

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