Prescription Drug Prices Down Slightly Last Year

Prices for prescription drugs edged down by 1% last year, a rare result driven by declines for generics and slow, low growth in the cost of brand-name medications, the government said Thursday.

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CMS Administrator Seema Verma Scoffs at Hospital Execs’ Arguments Against Transparency

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Administrator Seema Verma pushed back on hospitals' resistance to publishing payer-negotiated prices, as now mandated by a federal rule.

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Website Errors Raise Calls For Medicare To Be Flexible With Seniors’ Enrollment

Saturday is the deadline for most people with Medicare coverage to sign up for private drug and medical plans for next year. But members of Congress, health care advocates and insurance agents worry that enrollment decisions based on bad information from the government’s revamped, error-prone Plan Finder website will bring unwelcome surprises.

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Trump Pulled Into Feud Between Top Health Officials

President Donald Trump has personally tried to settle the long-running feud between his two top health appointees, telling his health secretary to fix the relationship with his Medicare chief, said three individuals with knowledge of the situation.

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California Surprise-Billing Law Protects Patients But Aggravates Many Doctors

More than two years after California’s surprise-billing law took effect, there’s one thing on which consumer advocates, doctors and insurers all agree: The law has been effective at protecting many people from bills they might have been saddled with from doctors who aren’t in their insurance network.

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Employers, Insurers, Unions Urge Full Repeal of Cadillac Tax

More than 1,000 employers, insurers, unions, and other organizations on Thursday urged Senate leaders to scrap a controversial tax on expensive employer-sponsored health plans that's set to go into effect in 2022.

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Medicare Advantage Members Rarely Review or Switch Plans

Very few beneficiaries with Medicare Advantage or Medicare Part D stand-alone coverage voluntarily switch plans during open enrollment, according to a report from the Kaiser Family Foundation.

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Pharma’s Take On The Pelosi Drug-Pricing Bill: Fair Warning Or Fearmongering?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s flagship proposal to curb prescription drug prices, the “Lower Drug Costs Now Act” ― H.R. 3 ― could come up for a vote in the chamber this month. The measure would allow Medicare to negotiate prices for a limited number of drugs, cap what seniors pay out-of-pocket ….

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Hospital Groups File Lawsuit to Stop Trump Price Transparency Rule

Hospital groups on Wednesday filed a lawsuit to stop the Trump administration’s price transparency rule that requires hospitals to disclose negotiated rates with insurers.

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Insurers Press for More Time to Respond to Transparency Rule, Say Changes Could Disrupt Market

Top insurance industry groups are imploring the Trump administration to delay a comment period on a proposed rule that would force payers to provide real-time out-of-pocket cost estimates.

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