$20 Million Health Insurance Scandal Revealed in Orange County

Felix Koltsov and Bradley Dean Groscost were charged with multiple felony counts of insurance fraud, money laundering and unlawful referrals for allegedly conspiring to bill insurers in excess of $20 million as part of a kickback referral scheme.

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1 in 5 Patients Get Surprise Bill after Elective Surgery. How Costly Was It?

The patients underwent elective surgery with primary surgeons and in facilities that were in their private insurer’s network. Yet, one in five got a surprise bill after their procedure for out-of-network services, according to a new study.

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Congress is Eyeing 3 Paths to End Surprise Billing. Here’s What They Look Like

The House of Representatives is in the middle of trying to decide which three pieces of legislation to endorse that will end surprise medical bills.

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Seniors on Medicare Advantage Less Likely to Have Issues Paying Medical Bills: CDC Study

Seniors on traditional Medicare were more likely to be a part of a family that has problems paying medical bills compared to beneficiaries on Medicare Advantage (MA), a new study found.

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The Next Hurdle for Bernie Sanders: Nevada’s Top Union Dislikes ‘Medicare for All’

Senator Bernie Sanders is a longtime supporter of “Medicare for all.” “I wrote the damn bill,” he said on a debate stage last summer, and his support for universal health care has helped propel him to the front of the 2020 Democratic field.

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Appeals Court Deals Blow to Trump’s Medicaid Work Rules

The Trump administration’s effort to remake Medicaid by requiring low-income people to work for health care suffered a serious setback Friday when a federal appeals court ruled it goes beyond what’s allowed by law.

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Democrats Press Trump Official for Answers on ObamaCare Replacement Plan

Democrats are seething at President Trump's top health official Thursday for not having a backup plan in case the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is overturned in a pending lawsuit supported by the Department of Justice (DOJ).

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Newsom Touts California’s ‘Public Option.’ Wait — What Public Option?

Several Democratic presidential hopefuls are pitching a federal “public option” as a way to expand health coverage and make it more affordable. The details of their proposals vary, but the general idea is to create a government-sponsored plan that could compete with private insurance.

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Single Payer Health Care Is Back On The Table In California

It’s been a year and one month since California Gov. Gavin Newsom wrote to the White House about creating a single-payer health care system for the state. It was his first day in office, after having called for a health care overhaul on the campaign trail.

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Doctors Group Breaks From Health Care Industry with Support for ‘Medicare for All’

Almost the entire health care industry is lined up against “Medicare for All.” Hospitals oppose it. Insurance companies oppose it. Drug companies oppose it.

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