CMS Finalizes Plan To Allow Medicare Advantage Plans To Expand Telehealth Benefits

The Trump administration has finalized several changes in Medicare Advantage (MA) and Part D in anticipation of bid submissions on June 1.

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As Residents Perish, Nursing Homes Fight For Protection From Lawsuits

As an unprecedented catastrophe unfolds in which more than 28,000 people have died of Covid-19 in care facilities, the nursing home industry is responding with an unprecedented action of its own: Using its multi-million dollar lobbying machine to secure protections from liability in lawsuits.

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As Revenues Fall, States Brace For An Uptick In Medicaid Spending

A few short months ago, buoyed by a robust economy, U.S. states anticipated little to no growth in Medicaid spending.

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Will Insurance Cover It? COVID-19 Testing Confusion Continues

Hospitals around the country are afraid to send out hundreds of thousands of bills related to COVID-19 testing. That’s because Congress mandated there would be no copays and no out-of-pocket costs for patients. But many employers with self-funded health plans seem to believe they’re exempt from the rules.

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Federal Coronavirus Testing Plan Puts Burden On States

The Trump administration’s new strategy for coronavirus testing puts much of the burden on states while promising to provide supplies such as swabs and material to transport specimens.

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$1.2 Billion From U.S. to Drugmaker to Pursue Coronavirus Vaccine

The Trump administration announced a grant to AstraZeneca, which has licensed a potential vaccine that is in trials by Oxford University.

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California To Allow Places Of Worship To Reopen, In-Store Retail Shopping To Resume

California will allow houses of worship to open for in-person services at reduced capacity and let retailers open for in-store shopping, state officials announced Monday.

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How Summer Could Determine The Pandemic’s Future

Swelling crowds at parks, beaches and home improvement stores during the traditional start of summer already are showing that many Americans want to venture out and declare the pandemic is over.

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Fear of Covid Leads Other Patients to Decline Critical Treatment

Psychologists say anxiety and uncertainty prompt irrational decisions — like turning down a transplant when an organ becomes available.

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Nearly 446,000 Patients Affected In April-Reported Breaches

Healthcare providers, insurers and their business associates reported 38 breaches affecting nearly 446,000 patients to the federal government last month.

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