Progress Slow On Virus Relief Bill As Negotiations Continue

Negotiators on a huge coronavirus relief bill reported slight progress after talks resumed in the Capitol, with issues like food for the poor and aid to schools struggling to reopen safely assuming a higher profile in the talks.

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Trump Considering Unilateral Action As Stalemate Over Coronavirus Relief Continues

As Congress continues to flounder on a path forward for the next phase of coronavirus relief, President Donald Trump said Monday that he was considering executive action if Congress fails to act.

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Paycheck Protection Program Deadline Is August 8: Applying, Loan Forgiveness, And The New PPP

Small businesses still have until August 8 to apply for potentially forgivable loans via the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), which was extended from its original June 30 deadline. While a second PPP is under consideration in the Continuing Small Business Recovery and Paycheck Protection Program Act, part of the HEALS Act in the Senate, it’s more restrictive and the available amounts are smaller.

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Proposed Direct Primary Care Regulations Threaten HSAs

A new IRS directive would allow employers to help pay for direct primary care on behalf of their employees, but is it a good thing?

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Federal Push For Faster, Cheaper Coronavirus Tests Focuses On 7 New Technologies

Americans continue to wait in long lines to get tested for the coronavirus. Many then face frustration and anxiety waiting days — sometimes even weeks — to get their results.

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Some Providers Face Daunting Repayment Deadline For Medicare Advance Loans

Starting this month, some providers are facing the prospect of their Medicare payments garnished to repay COVID-19 loans.

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US Sinks Another $2.1 Billion Into A Potential Vaccine

Pharma giants GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi Pasteur have announced they will supply 100 million doses of an experimental COVID-19 vaccine to the United States as governments buy up supplies in hopes of securing a candidate that works.

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Why Californians With Mental Illness Are Dropping Private Insurance To Get Taxpayer-Funded Treatment

There’s an open secret among those who care for people with serious mental illnesses.

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California Democrats Unveil $100 Billion Coronavirus Stimulus Plan. Here’s What’s In It

Top California Democrats announced on Monday a $100 billion stimulus plan that would borrow money from the federal government, expand tax credits for low-income Californians and offer help for small businesses in an attempt to prop up the state’s economy as the coronavirus-induced recession drags on.

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Trump Executive Order Touts ‘Most Far-Reaching Prescription Drug Reforms Ever’

New policies announced Friday aimed at lowering drug prices under Medicare would link prices to rates paid in other countries.

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