CMS Rule Aims To Reduce Lag Time Between FDA Approval And Medicare Coverage Of New Devices

The Trump administration issued a proposed rule intended to get Medicare coverage approval of new medical devices faster.

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2 Big Medicare Changes Joe Biden Wants to Make

Despite the chaos of 2020, it’s important not to lose sight of the fact that this is an election year. In just 65 days, Americans from across our great nation will head to their local voting booths or mail in their ballots to decide who’ll lead the country for the next four years. As you ...

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Job-Based Health Coverage Will Be More Expensive In 2021

Large employers expect the cost of providing health coverage to workers to increase next year, as employees seek care they put off during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Supreme Court To Hear ObamaCare Arguments One Week After November Election

Oral arguments for the Trump administration-backed lawsuit to strike down the Affordable Care Act (ACA), will be heard at the Supreme Court on Nov. 10, just one week after the presidential election.

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Insurers’ Record Profits Likely To Deflate, Analysts Say

The record profits that health insurers reported in the second quarter of 2020 will likely subside over the next several months as they return excess income to plan members, according to credit ratings agency Moody's Investors Service.

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The Increasing Dominance of Insurtech

The first half of 2020 has been anything but business as usual. While many companies have embraced remote working policies, one thing has become clear: Insurtech (use of technology to increase efficiency in the insurance industry) is poised to continue to influence how the health insurance industry operates.

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Work-Home Boundaries Are Blurring As People Log More Hours On The Job

For the millions of workers who suddenly went remote during the pandemic, the boundary between work and life has become more muddled than ever. A lot of folks are juggling jobs and kids at home. Without commutes, workers are actually logging more hours, multiple surveys show.

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Trump Seeks Health Care Victory On Prescription Drugs

President Trump is searching for a health care victory ahead of the 2020 election, and has turned to executive action to try to achieve it.

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Astrazeneca Begins Early-Stage Trial Of COVID-19 Antibody Treatment

British drugmaker AstraZeneca said on Tuesday it had started early testing of an antibody-based treatment for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.

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When Life Gives Brokers Lemons ….

For three years now, a key staple of the BenefitsPRO Broker Expo has included a Face of Change panel, featuring those in the industry–young and old–working to help employers rethink their benefits and health care strategies. These brokers must not only be willing to embrace change themselves, but inspire employers and employees to take a leap of faith.

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