American Rescue Plan Act (ARP) On Employee Benefits: A Preliminary Overview

On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) into law – a sixth round of long-awaited support and relief from Congress to help Americans deal with the grappling effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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American Rescue Plan Act: 9 Employer, Employee, And Health Care Provider Provisions

The American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act, the latest COVID-19 relief measure put forth by the Biden administration, was signed into law in March 2021. It includes a variety of changes affecting the health insurance industry, business owners and managers, and health care providers.

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COBRA Subsidy Update – ARP

The American Recovery Plan (ARP) Act was signed into law in March 2021, establishing some of the most significant changes to the employee benefits industry since the inception of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) – particularly in the COBRA space.

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Employers: The American Rescue Plan Could Increase Your Risk of ACA Non-Compliance

The American Rescue Plan, now federal law, is resulting in some of the biggest changes to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) since the ACA’s passage more than a decade ago. The new $1.9 trillion stimulus package supports healthcare affordability and increases marketplace access for millions of Americans by expanding consumer eligibility for premium tax credits to pay for health insurance premiums.

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COVID: Nearly Half of California Adults Have Received a Vaccine Shot

Nearly half of Californians 18 and older have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine shot, an encouraging metric as some experts watch with concern spiking case rates in Michigan, New Jersey and elsewhere in the country.

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Healthcare Reform Sees Growing Support From Employers

As businesses look to get back to normal in a post-pandemic world, they’re eager to make changes to help them better support and deliver healthcare to their employees.

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California Lifts COVID-19 Limits On Indoor Worship Services

California on Monday lifted its limits on indoor worship services in the face of U.S. Supreme Court rulings that struck down the coronavirus public health mandates. However, the state Department of Public Health guidelines still said indoor gatherings were “strongly discouraged” and advised limiting the numbers to 25% of a building’s capacity for the two-highest ...

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3 Major Health Items Included In Biden’s Budget Request

President Joe Biden proposed an ambitious budget for the next federal fiscal year that includes more money for fighting the opioid epidemic, bolstering public health and several other healthcare items. The budget request to Congress, released Friday, acts as essentially a wish list of priorities for the administration for the next year. It is doubtful ...

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Health Care Legislation Drives HSA Adoption

The IRS isn’t the most nimble of organizations, and it would be a stretch to say that health benefits organizations savor oversight. However, what we have seen recently from the IRS (and Congress) is a dedicated and purposeful movement to expand health savings options.

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Orange County Hospital Seeks Divorce From Large Catholic Health System

In early 2013, Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian in Orange County, California, joined with St. Joseph Health, a local Catholic hospital chain, amid enthusiastic promises that their affiliation would broaden access to care and improve the health of residents across the community. Eight years later, Hoag says this vision of achieving “population health” is dead, and it wants ...

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