CMS To Congress: ‘Time Is Of The Essence’ On Extending Boosted ACA Subsidies

Affordable Care Act officials need to start letting consumers know that enhanced subsidies will be in place for next year, the head of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) said. But Congress has yet to pass legislation extending the boosted subsidies past this year, causing new alarm from CMS and state-run exchanges as ...

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Supreme Court Sides With Insurer In Dialysis Coverage Case

The Supreme Court ruled 7-2 Tuesday that a group health plan in Ohio didn’t violate federal law by offering limited coverage for outpatient dialysis in a case brought by DaVita, one of the largest dialysis providers in the United States. The court sided with Marietta Memorial Hospital’s employee health plan, with Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh writing in ...

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‘Sigh Of Relief ’: Vaccines Arrive In Las Vegas For Kids Under 5

Shortly after arriving Wednesday morning at the Southern Nevada Health District Community Health Center, Las Vegan Christy Ruffolo feels like she can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Or she’s well on her way, at least. Ruffolo was onsite with her 2-year-old daughter Stella and was one of several dozen parents who brought their little ...

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Californians Brace For Increased Healthcare Premiums If Federal Subsidies Expire

For two years, Syd Winlock has had a major burden lifted from his surgically repaired shoulder. Federal subsidies passed as part of a temporary pandemic relief package have drastically cut how much he pays in healthcare premiums, allowing the Sacramento-area small-business owner to purchase an insurance plan that provided better coverage for his shoulder and knee replacements.

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Medicare Could Save Billions Buying Generic Drugs At Mark Cuban’s Prices

Medicare could have saved nearly $4 billion in 2020 by purchasing generic drugs at the same prices offered by Cost Plus Drug Company, Cuban's online pharmacy that launched this year, according to a study published Monday in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine.

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Popular State Worker Health Insurance Plan Projected To Go Up In Price 17% Next Year

Premiums are projected to grow an average of about 7% for CalPERS health insurance policyholders next year, with two popular PPOs spiking by more than 14%, according to preliminary prices posted online Tuesday by the retirement system.

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A Look at OSHA’s Top 10 Safety Violations

Workers’ compensation claims can result directly from worksite conditions, whether in construction, manufacturing, distribution, office or other environments. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) tracks violations of safety and health standards, which can lead to workers’ comp claims.

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A Proposal to Import Drugs from Other Countries Creates an Unusual Alliance in the Senate

Harmony is not often found between two of the most boisterous senators on Capitol Hill, Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rand Paul (R-Ky.). But it was there at Tuesday’s Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee markup of legislation to reauthorize the Food and Drug Administration’s user fee program, which is set to expire Sept. 30. This user fee program, which ...

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Deep Dive Into FSA Behavior Finds Knowledge Gaps That May Reduce Effectiveness

Flexible spending accounts can be a useful way for workers to stretch health-care spending dollars further than they otherwise could. However, little is known about how workers use — or don’t use — FSAs. In response, the Employee Benefit Research Institute established the FSA Database to shine a light on this under-researched employee benefit. Analysis of this ...

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California Lawmakers Met Their Budget Deadline. Here’s What’s Left To Negotiate In The $300 Billion Spending Plan.

California state lawmakers approved a $300 billion budget this week, but several key sticking points remain between Governor Gavin Newsom and lawmakers, which could drag out negotiations on a final spending plan. Under California law, the Legislature must approve a budget by June 15 or forfeit their pay and per diem until they do. The ...

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