Sisolak Joins Governors Seeking Extension Of Health Plan Subsidies

He said nine out of 10 Nevadans qualify for some sort of subsidy to reduce the monthly premiums they pay for health insurance through Nevada Health Link. Almost half can obtain a plan for $100 or less a month but if they aren’t extended, thousands of Nevadans will face significant increases in their premiums.

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Young Adults Least Likely Age Group To Have Health Insurance, New Data Shows

New data shows young adults in their twenties and thirties aren’t investing in health insurance policies. In fact, they have the lowest rates of having active health insurance policies out of all age groups. Over 63% of adults between the ages of 18-24 are actively covered by health insurance, according to Zelros. However, that number ...

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Despite Pandemic, Children’s Uninsurance Rates Declined In 2021

While COVID-19 job losses may have led to uninsurance for some Americans, it doesn’t appear that children’s insurance rates were negatively impacted. In fact, new research suggests that children’s uninsurance rates actually fell between 2019 and 2021. The report, published by Urban Institute this week, looks at survey data from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) and ...

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Seeking to Kick-Start Biden’s Agenda, Schumer Unveils a Bill for Medicare Drug Price Negotiations

Democratic senators on Wednesday took a formal step toward reviving President Joe Biden’s economic agenda, starting with a measure to let Medicare negotiate prices with drugmakers and to curb rising drug costs more broadly. A similar proposal died in December when Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) decided to oppose Biden’s $1.9 trillion Build Back Better bill, ...

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Can Mark Cuban’s Pharmacy Save You Money On Prescriptions?

Mark Cuban, the billionaire owner of the Dallas Mavericks and “Shark Tank” star, has a new online pharmacy that could make your prescription medications more affordable. In January, Cuban announced the launch of the Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Company. Currently, 150 generic prescription medications are available on the pharmacy website, Medications are priced at ...

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Feds Want a Policy That Advocates Say Would Let Hospitals Off the Hook for Covid-Era Lapses

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is responding to the chaos of the covid-19 pandemic by proposing to hide from the public a rating that lets consumers compare hospitals’ safety records and to waive approximately $350 million in financial penalties for roughly 750 hospitals with the worst patient-safety track records. CMS’ chief medical officer, Dr. Lee Fleisher, said those ...

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CMMI Finds Implicit Bias In 3 Major Payment Models

An analysis of three existing payment models found certain screening tools and other designs led to some Medicare beneficiaries being excluded and prompted the creation of a new guide on how to root out bias in models. Researchers with the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) outlined in a Health Affairs article troubling instances of implicit ...

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John Word And Jessica Word Honored At 2022 NAHU Convention

John Word was recognized Monday night as one of two health insurance industry “persons of the year” and recipient of the 2022 Harold R. Gordon Memorial Award. John was selected by a committee of past NAHU award recipients who carefully review nominees from across the country nominated for their contributions to the industry.

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Workers’ Comp Job Killer Proposal Fails to Move

It would have significantly increased workers’ compensation costs for public and private hospitals by presuming certain diseases and injuries are caused by the workplace and established an extremely concerning precedent for expanding presumptions into the private sector.

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California To Become First State Offering Health Care To All Undocumented Residents

California will become the first state to remove immigration status as a barrier to health care, making all low-income undocumented residents eligible for state-subsidized insurance regardless of age. Gov. Gavin Newsom late Sunday announced a budget deal he struck with the Legislature included a new Medi-Cal expansion that would cover more undocumented adults. The program’s ...

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