High Cost Of Health Care Is Top Concern As Employers Compete For Workers, Survey Finds

“Concerns about a recession and runaway inflation make it even more critical that employers are able to hire and keep top talent, and getting unreasonable health care costs under control can have a far-reaching impact on wages and ability to compete.”

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Pfizer’s COVID Cash Powers a ‘Marketing Machine’ on the Hunt for New Supernovas

The company has reaped nearly $100 billion from selling covid-19 vaccines and treatments to U.S. taxpayers and foreign governments. With that windfall, it plans to get richer, sinking the cash into developing and marketing potential blockbusters for conditions like migraines, ulcerative colitis, prostate cancer, sickle cell disease, and obesity.

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Millions Of Americans Have Health Insurance That Isn’t ‘Good Enough’

The open enrollment season for health insurance is gearing up at a time when more people in the United States have health insurance than ever before. Yet millions of Americans who enroll this fall still won’t be able to easily afford the health care they need or will be hit with medical bills they can’t pay. Why? ...

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Congressional Report Finds Health Care Sector ‘Uniquely Vulnerable’ To Cyber Attacks

Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, released a report on Thursday outlining cybersecurity threats in the health care sector and ways the federal government can improve security standards in the industry. The report, which is divided into three sections, recommends that the federal government improve the country’s cybersecurity risk posture in the health care sector, help the private ...

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What A Divided Congress Could Mean For Healthcare In The Next Year

In the current Congress, Democrats were able to expand Affordable Care Act (ACA) subsidies and introduce drug price reforms, but experts say there could still be some progress on areas of common ground if Republicans take one or both chambers of Congress.

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Medicare Drug Price Negotiation: Key Decisions To Reach A “Fair Price”

Government negotiation of Medicare drug prices—even for a small set of older, single-source drugs—is a remarkable policy development. But how exactly will the government do it? The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), signed into law August 16, contains an 86-page blueprint laying out which drugs are on the table, implementation timelines, “factors” to be considered, and rules of engagement ...

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Consolidated Appropriations Act Shifts More Power, Responsibility To Employers Next Year

The Consolidated Appropriations Act that passed this year will next year make self-insured employers the fiduciaries for the healthcare services that they purchase, which means they’ll have more say about quality and cost but also more responsibility. This portion of the approximately 5,600-page act hasn’t gotten as much attention as, for instance, the parts that guard against ...

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Here's Why Private Medicare Plans Are Set To Pass Traditional Medicare Enrollment

The night before his scheduled cataract surgery last November, Bob Miller’s eye doctor informed him the operation would be delayed because his insurer refused to pay. Miller’s Aetna Medicare plan covered a surgery just a few weeks before on his right eye. Without the surgery on his left eye, the 73-year-old residential painting contractor couldn’t ...

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Is California Strangling Its Golden Goose?

Citing a Bloomberg News article, Gov. Gavin Newsom crowed last month about the probability that California would soon pass Germany to become the world’s fourth largest economy. “While critics often say California’s best days are behind us, reality proves otherwise — our economic growth and job gains continue to fuel the nation’s economy,” Newsom said. Throughout ...

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4 Major California Employment Law Changes For 2023

California employers will see a number of changes affecting human resources in the new year. Major themes include compensation and leave, but employers also will need to note legislation that adds new retaliation protections for workers, attorneys told HR Dive.

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