Immunity Acquired From A COVID Infection Is As Protective As Vaccination Against Severe Illness And Death, Study Finds

Immunity acquired from a Covid infection provides strong, lasting protection against the most severe outcomes of the illness, according to research published Thursday in The Lancet — protection, experts say, that’s on par with what’s provided through two doses of an mRNA vaccine. Infection-acquired immunity cut the risk of hospitalization and death from a Covid reinfection by 88% for at ...

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More Than Half Of Physicians Admit To Changing Perceptions Of A Drug Due To Social Media

Social media can have as powerful an influence on physicians as they do on the public, according to a new survey conducted by Sermo and LiveWorld. Of the 50-plus pharma marketers and 200-plus U.S. physicians surveyed, more than half (57%) of doctors said they frequently or occasionally change their initial perception of a medication due ...

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After Staying Away During Pandemic, Doctors Return to Lobby Congress

Dr. Timothy McAvoy, an internist from Waukesha, Wisconsin, held his infant granddaughter Tuesday while standing in the Longworth House Office Building, waiting to talk to a congressional aide about increasing Medicare pay for doctors. Facing a highly partisan Congress where Republicans have vowed to cut federal spending, McAvoy hoped his Midwestern charm, along with a ...

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California Requires Hospitals to Turn to a Patient’s Next of Kin, Closing a Longtime Loophole

About four years ago, Dr. Gene Dorio sat on the ethics committee of a Southern California hospital whose administrators insisted they could decide whether to disconnect a ventilator from an unconscious patient — even though the man’s wife and adult children wanted to continue life support. The problem, Dorio told California lawmakers last year, was ...

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COVID-19 Cases, Hospitalizations Inch Up

COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations inched up this week in Clark County and statewide, while remaining at some of the lowest levels of the pandemic.

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FTC Crackdown On GoodRx Sends A Message That Private Consumer Data Must Be Protected

Since 2017, GoodRx has helped millions of people find deals on prescription drugs via an app and website. But what its customers may not have known is that the Santa Monica-based health company had also been sharing information about their prescriptions and illnesses with third parties such as Google and Facebook for advertising purposes.

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U.S. Proposes Medicare, Medicaid Programs To Cut Drug Costs, Including $2 Generics

The U.S. health department proposed on Tuesday three new pilot projects aimed at lowering prescription drug prices for people enrolled in government health insurance plans, including offering some essential generic drugs for $2 a month.

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18% Drop Since 2020 In People With Reported Medical Debt

The number of people with medical debt on their credit reports fell by 8.2 million — or 17.9% — between 2020 and 2022, according to a report Tuesday from the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. White House officials said in a separate draft report that the two-year drop likely stems from their policies. Among the ...

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‘We Ain’t Gonna Get It’: Why Bernie Sanders Says His ‘Medicare for All’ Dream Must Wait

After railing at the injustices of U.S. health care for decades, Sen. Bernie Sanders in January became the new chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee. The job gives the health care industry’s biggest Washington nemesis an unprecedented opportunity to shape health care reform in Congress.

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High Deductible Health Plan Enrollment Hit Record High in 2021

High deductible health plan (HDHP) enrollment hit a record high in 2021, with nearly six out of ten employer-sponsored health plan members enrolled in a high deductible health plan, according to a ValuePenguin survey.

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