Are PBMs To Blame For The High Cost Of Prescription Drugs?

The two political parties cannot seem to agree on many things these days, but members of the Senate Finance Committee on Thursday agreed on a common enemy: Pharmacy benefit managers. This was the second committee hearing in two months to discuss PBM business practices. In February, the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation approved the Pharmacy ...

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There’s Now Only One Official COVID Protocol Left In California — And It’s Unlikely To Change Soon

Beginning Monday, California will no longer require masks for COVID-19 prevention in health care settings — leaving isolation for those who test positive as the last vestige of the state’s formerly mandatory COVID rules. California lifted its COVID-19 state of emergency in February, nearly three years after it was put in place, and President Biden indicated last week he won’t ...

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Hospitals Likelier To Offer Discounts To Patients Who Pay Cash

Hospitals routinely charge less to patients who pay in cash and seek to recoup the difference from commercially insured patients in markets where they can exert leverage, according to a new Johns Hopkins study published in Health Affairs. Why it matters: The analysis for 70 services — drawn from data reported by 2,379 hospitals as of September 2022 ...

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UnitedHealthcare To Begin Reducing Prior Authorizations This Summer

Prior authorization has been a continual source of frustration for providers, and Wednesday UnitedHealthcare, the country’s largest insurer, said it will offer some relief. The payer giant will cut nearly 20% of its current prior authorizations, according to a new release, in a bid to simplify the process for both providers and its members. UnitedHealth will ...

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U.S. Social Security Fund Seen Depleted 2033, Year Earlier Than Previous Estimate

The U.S. Social Security system’s main trust fund’s reserves will be depleted in 2033, one year earlier than estimated last year, while Medicare’s finances have improved slightly, reports from the programs’ trustees showed on Friday. The Medicare Hospital Trust Fund reserves are now expected to be depleted in 2031 compared to an estimate of 2028 ...

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Fight Over Pay For L.A. Hospital Execs Could Hinge On What President Biden Makes

Should Los Angeles clamp down on how much hospital executives are paid? That decision could be put to Los Angeles city voters, under a ballot measure supported by a union representing healthcare workers. But whether that happens may hinge on another question: How much does the president of the United States make? The California Hospital Assn. has ...

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Which Diets Really Raise Your Life Span? Two Come Out on Top

People at risk of heart disease could extend their lives by going Mediterranean or low-fat, according to a new analysis of popular diets. In the world of nutrition and disease, dietary fat is an often confusing subject. And in general, experts say, recent years have seen a move away from prescribing a strict amount of ...

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Judge’s Ruling Undercuts U.S. Health Law’s Preventive Care

A federal judge in Texas who previously ruled to dismantle the Affordable Care Act struck down a narrower but key part of the nation's health law Thursday in a decision that opponents say could jeopardize preventive screenings for millions of Americans.

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How Medicare Advantage Could Become A Marquee Issue In Nevada’s 2024 Senate Race

When President Joe Biden delivered his State of the Union address to Congress in February, he drew a clear distinction on entitlement spending – his administration had pledged to protect Social Security and Medicare, while congressional Republicans were trying to cut them.

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Nevada Bill Would Require Equal Pay For Intellectually Disabled

Assembly Bill 259, introduced by Assemblywoman Tracy Brown-May, D-Las Vegas, would require providers of jobs and day training services to pay at least the state minimum wage to those with intellectual or developmental disabilities.

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