Trump Uses Page From ‘Smart Policymaking 101’ on Health Care

A smartphone app that lets Medicare patients access their claims information. Giving consumers a share of drug company rebates for their prescriptions. Wider access to websites that reliably compare cost and quality of medical tests.

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A Health Plan ‘Down Payment’ Is One Way States Try Rebooting Individual Mandate

As President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans tirelessly try to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, a number of states are scrambling to enact laws that safeguard its central provisions.

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Cigna Bets on Getting Bigger as Rising Costs Vex Health Business

Under pressure to tame ever-increasing health-care costs, the companies that help millions of Americans manage their medical care are wagering that they can be stronger and simpler by joining forces.

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Amazon Offers Prime Discount for Medicaid Recipients

Amazon has had no problem getting affluent households to buy from its online store. But people with low incomes have been less loyal to the retailer.

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FDA Commissioner Says ‘Rigged’ System Raises Drug Costs for Patients, Discourages Competition

Scott Gottlieb, commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), on Wednesday criticized what he called a “rigged” system that keeps some generic drugs off the market and leaves patients paying high costs.

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Trump’s Cancer Panel Says Urgent Action Needed On Rising Drug Cost

A White House advisory panel on Tuesday called for urgent action to address the rising cost of cancer drugs.

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Insurers Get Into Care, but is it Good for Your Health?

In the not-too-distant future, your health insurance, your prescription drugs and some of your treatment may come from the same company.

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Villaraigosa Challenges Newsom to One-on-One Debate Over Single-Payer Healthcare

Antonio Villaraigosa on Monday challenged his top rival in the governor’s race, Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, to a one-on-one debate over the viability of a state-sponsored single-payer healthcare system in California.

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1 In 5 Californians Would Skip On Health Insurance Without Tax Penalty

Without the threat of a tax penalty, one in five Californians would not have signed up for health insurance this year, Harvard University researchers discovered as a part of a survey released Thursday.

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CAHP Supports Enacting a State-Based Individual Mandate

In the wake of the federal government’s November, 2017 decision to eliminate the individual mandate to buy health insurance effective in January, 2019, the California Association of Health Plans is urging state leaders to enact a state-based individual mandate as a way to stabilize California’s health care marketplace and protect the significant gains California has made under the

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